Chapter 11

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Later that night, all of my year sat in the great hall until it was time for bed.

"Rose, i'm sorry for shouting at you earlier." Ron said apologetically. 

"It's alright, Ron. Don't worry about it." I replied. I smiled at him. Hermione nudged me and said,"Cedric wants you, look." She nodded over towards the end of the table.

"Oh, alright." I said and I got up and walked down to him. I passed Draco on the way and he frowned at me as I went by. I sat down next to Cedric and said,"You wanted me?" 

"Yes, Rose, I wanted to say you should, well," he paused and thought for a moment. "Look, you and your friends can sit with us sometime. Even though this whole thing with Harry putting his name-"

"He didn't put his name in the goblet of fire" I said quickly. 

"Right yeah, even though that's going on. I want you to sit with us. Well, we all do." I looked around and the rest of them smiled. 

"Aw, okay, tomorrow we will come and sit with you all." 

"Great, oh and uh, of you see Katie Bell, she got hexed a Few hours ago. Nobody knows who did it but I found out earlier. Happened while we were talking. Just be careful? There is some dangerous things going on."

I nodded and looked up the aisle. Katie and her friends were walking to sit down. Harry stopped Katie and they started to talk. Suddenly, Draco got up and left the hall looking flustered and nervous. I smiled at Cedric,"I'm gonna go now. I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and I went and quickly followed Draco.

As I followed him he went into the boys toilets. I stood outside the doorway and thought to myself, should I go in there? Or should I not? I shook my head and went inside. I stood in the shadows and Draco leant on one of the sinks and he was sobbing loudly. I felt sorry for him, but I didn't know what was wrong with him. It mad me sad to see him like this. "Draco?" I whispered. He turned around swiftly and said "What are you doing here? Your not even allowed to be in here." 

"I came to see if you was alright. I can see your angry so...I'll just leave" I turned around and started to walk out.

"Wait!" He cried. I swung myself around and stepped into the light. "Don't leave...please...I...I need you." He sobbed. I swallowed hard. For some reason it hurt seeing him like this. 

"Draco, I can help you, but I don't think you need me. Or even I need you. I just don't like to see you this way."

"Rose, I know you don't know what I've done. Listen, would you leave me if you knew what I have done? Would you leave me if you found out what I have become? Because it's easy to tell you when your not there, but it is so difficult to tell you alone." A single tear ran down his cheek. I stepped toward him and wiped the tear away. 

"Then tell me now, before it's too late. Someone is bound to come in here." I answered.

"Look, when I said Voldemort would kill my parents. I lied. He's going to kill me if I don't-. I just didn't want you to worry. That's all." He started to cry again and then I started to as well. 

"Oh, Draco." I whispered. I grabbed his hands and said,"I don't know what to do but I wish I could help you." 

"Then do this one thing for me." He breathed out slowly and said,"Kiss me. Even if its for the last time."

The tears were accelerating down my face and I said,"I can't Draco. I-"

"I know. I know. Cedric, but love me, just for tonight. Please." He pulled me closer and put his lips slowly onto mine. It felt different. Different than the kiss before. This time, they were soft kisses which felt like he wanted to remember them. He stopped suddenly and said,"Go, before someone comes in." I nodded and backed up slowly, our hands leaving each others, resisting to leave. 

As I got outside luckily nobody was there. I leant against the wall and wiped my eyes. Making sure I looked normal again. I then walked slowly back to the great hall, thinking about Draco the whole way.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now