Chapter 9

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My mind filled with anger after her class. It wasn't fair. Does no one care that some people may actually care that Cedric died. Or is it something everyone can just talk about like its on the front page of the daily prophet. I caught Harry's glance after class and he headed towards me. I carried on walking.

"Rose, wait!" Harry called after me so I stopped and turned around. "Look I'm sorry, she just made me angry I didn't mean to say it like that." He looked down sadly. I held my wrist trying to stop the throbbing pain and covered it up. He looked at my wrist and went to reach for it but I backed up and moved my arm out of Harry's reach. He gave up and said,"Look, I know your upset about this but you'll get better, I know you will."
I laughed sarcastically,"You say I'm getting better? Well guess what? I don't feel any better." I grunted. I back up again but this time I bumped into someone. I turned around.

"Scarhead bothering you is he?" It was Draco standing there with his cronies.
"Go Away. Now." I said to him filled with anger.
"What? I'm just trying to help you." He scoffed.
"You heard her Mal-" Harry started.
"Shut up! Both of you" I growled. "I'm sick of all these arguments!" I started to walk away from them but Draco grabbed my arm and made me swerve around he pulled me closer and I saw Crabb and Goyle were gone. Harry was still there though his eyes filled with hatred. Draco was still holding me and he said,"I am sorry. Okay?" With that he kissed me hard and I suddenly felt calm. I don't know why, or how, but I felt calm. As he pulled away I looked over at Harry apologetically and he shook his head and barged past me. I almost fell but Draco caught me and I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly Hermione and Ron walked towards me.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now