Chapter 20

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Voldemort held out his hand and I felt compelled to take it. Looking down at Cedric he said,"Such a shame. A waste of a young life." I yanked my hand out from his and backed away. 

"My dear, whatever is the matter?" He asked. I suddenly felt anger all over me. 

"You knew he was apart of my life! You just killed him just like that!" I yelled. Voldemort frowned and said,"Why, I am ever so sorry. My dear," he opened his arms to get me to hug him. I looked over at Harry and he was stilling shocked at what was going on. I went over to Voldemort and he put his arms around me. I didn't move my arms to hug him back. 

"My daughter, how I have missed you." He whispered. I felt sick. He really was my father...

He looked up. "Harry Potter. I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. Yes. The boy who lived." He left me and walked over to Harry. "How lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love." I sat back on a rock. I felt dizzy and tried to regain my strength. Suddenly, black figures descended from thaw sky and circled us all. They were death eaters. Voldemort smiled and gave them all a look of approval. He went on. "You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I couldn't touch him. It was...old magic. Something...I should have foreseen. But no matter. Things have changed." He rushed over to Harry and said,"I can touch" He pressed one finger onto Harry's scarred head. Harry groaned in agony. Voldemort soon let go. He released Harry and said,"Pick up your wand Potter!" Harry fell to the ground. "I said pick up your wand! Get up!" He stated. The death eaters parted and stood back. Voldemort bowed to Harry. "Come now Harry. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners. Bow!" He forced Harry to bow with his wand. "Crucio!" Harry fell to the floor and started writhing in pain. 

"No!" I screamed. "Stop!" Voldemort ordered two death eaters to hold me back so I wouldn't interfere any more. I tried to escape to get to Harry but it was no use. Harry struggled to get up. 

"Expelliarmus!" Voldemort countered to spell and sent Harry flying. He forced Harry up and Harry ran and hid behind the statue. I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Don't turn your back from me Harry Potter! I want to see the light leave your eyes when I kill you!" Summoning up every ounce of courage, I saw Harry get up and face Voldemort. 

"Have it your way." Harry stated.


"Avada Kadava!" Harry and Voldemort threw wands at each other. Red light streamed from Harry's wand, green light from Voldemort's. the power of their wands collided and met in the middle, which formed a ball of flames. Sparks flew as they tried desperately to overcome each other. Harry controlled his quivering wand with both hands. Voldemort's face twisted with hatred. Suddenly, streaks of light burst all around. Blinding me at that moment. It illuminated the dark sky. Suddenly four ghosts appeared from the light. First Cedric, than an old man, then Harry's parents. I stood up knocking the two death eaters backward. "Cedric!" I cried. 

"Harry, when the connection is broken you must et to the port key, the trophy, we can liner for a moment to give you some time...but only a moment. Do you understand?" Harry's father explained. Harry nodded agreeing and Cedric went over to him and said,"Harry, take my body back to my father will you?" Harry nodded again. "Rose, I will always live you. Forever, I hope you find someone who makes you happy. I love you." Cedric said to me. "I love you too Cedric." I said, tears streaming down my face, again. 

"Let go. Sweetheart your ready. Let go. Let go" Harry's mother said. Harry broke off the connection and called,"Rose come on now!" I looked over at Voldemort and quickly did as Harry said. Harry grabbed Cedric and I. 

"Accio!" The cup flew into his hand. 

We landed in the arena. Harry and I hugged Cedric as we cried. Dumbledore pulled Harry away and tried to pull me away too. I wouldn't let go. "He's back. He's back. Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. We couldn't leave him." I looked up at Harry who was standing, flustered, and angry. 

"It's alright Harry. Your home you all are." Dumbledore said. He came over to me and pulled me up. Giving me a hug he said,"Don't fret, Rose." I hugged him tightly and Cedric's father pushed through the people to reach his son. He cried and mourned over Cedric's dead pale body. I couldn't watch and Ron and Hermione took Harry and I away.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now