Chapter 16

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Draco rubbed his forehead and said,"You can't go tomorrow."


"To the final challenge."

"What? Of course I'm going?!"

"No, you can't, it's Voldemort. I have done something very stupid and bad"

"What?" I suddenly felt chills go down my back. "Draco, think very carefully before you answer. If it's going to ruin my night I don't want to hear it." 

"You make things so hard, Rose. You know, you look beautiful. I wanted to be the one to take you to the ball. I wanted to be the one to dance with you. I wanted you to be mine. I want you. Cedric is just in the way and I wish you could see that." Now I felt as though I was going to burst with anger, until he said these simple words. "You hate me, don't you?"

"Draco, I don't hate you. I never could. I just hate how you made me fall for you, when you had no intentions of catching me." A single tear ran down my cheek and I wiped it off. 

"I'm afraid of loosing you Rose. Do one thing for me and don't go?" He whispered.

"I'm sorry Draco, but I am going tomorrow." He looked annoyed and said,"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." He flicked his wand at the door and it slammed open. I looked at him for a moment and then I walked out.

I sat down in the hall. Nobody was there. I sat and thought to myself. Trying so hard not to cry. Not tonight. I needed to forget about it and be happier again. Suddenly, Cedric walked into the hall and when he saw me he rushed over and said,"Rose, i'm sorry for going like that. It's just Draco started to get on my nerves a bit." He explained.

"Its ok" I whispered.

"Good, you look sad are you alright" he sat down and put one arm around me. 

"Just tired." I lied.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now