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I owe lots of you an apology, and so so many of you have been waiting forever for this last chapter for ages, years... jeez I am so sorry 😅

A lot has happened personally for me, and that prevented me from writing anymore. However, I'm now in a good place to continue.

I've had to reread all of this book and see your comments and I agree with all of you. Rose is unlikeable at times, the plot is out of whack, some things you're just like "what? Lol ok then"
But seeing at I wrote this when I was fourteen-sixteen and had no life/writing experience whatsoever, that explains why, in my humble opinion, the story is written like dog poop.

Feel free to comment here and Please be brutally honest about how you guys felt about this story xD

At the age of 22 now, rip, imma continue but I hate how I've written this so I'm going to rewrite it and do my story the justice it deserves. It's going to be reuploaded on this profile but this version will stay up so you guys can look back.

But just for example, my 300 odd word chapter 1 was boosted up to a juicy 1000 words for your pleasure after rewriting the first chapter last night.

I have extra plot points to add and deeper storylines and hopefully it will amount to a more intimate story for you guys to connect with!

Please if you guys have any questions my dms are always open and I'll respond to comments left here if you have a question!

Thank you so much for sticking this through and being so supportive! I appreciate everyone's feedback and loyalty and love to this book. It's what motivates me to continue and to update so thank you so much!!

Hope everyone is well, and not too mad at me 😅🙃

Much love! X

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now