Chapter 12

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Draco's POV

She's gone. Great. Now I'm going to get the blame. Why is she so damn hard to control? She needs to eat, I'm trying to help her.

"Draco." My father called as I walked down the corridor. "Yes?" I said facing him.

"Why is she gone?" He said frightfully.

"Good riddance. She needed to go anyway." I spat. My father frowned.

"Draco. The dark lord will not be happy. I t-thought you love her?" He said.

Love her?

"She means nothing to me. I'm glad she's gone. She was really beginning to bring me down" I said as I turned around and walked into my room slamming the door.

Love her? Really? She doesn't love me anymore. Why should I love her? All she's done is ignore me. I used to love her, I loved her so much I would risk it all for her. But now? She means absolutely nothing to me. I can't put up with it. I try to help her but she just pushes me away all the time. Everything I do never works so I give up. Why is she so sad? She should get over Cedric. Honestly. And we are not good for each other. We are always fighting now. It's no use. We just tear each others hair out. If she doesn't realize I'm trying to help her? Then forget it and forget her. I'm done trying.

Rose's POV

I disapparated to appear at Ron's house. I didn't know if they were in but it was worth a try. I had been crying the whole time and everything had been stressing me out.

I walked trough the field to the burrow an knocked on the door. Molly opened it and said, "Rose dear! How lovely to see you!" I forced a smiled and she said, "Oh dear. What's the matter?"

"I'm fine. Just thinking about things." I lied. What a pathetic excuse.

I walked inside and Hermione and Ron greeted me. "Hey, where's Harry?" I asked. "Upstairs." Ron replied.

I nodded and put my bag down an began to climb the stairs. I knocked on the door and Harry opened it. I smiled at him and his eyes widened and he hugged me so fast and right that I was shoved against the door frame. "Oh my gosh. I was so worried about you. Are you okay?" He asked not letting go of me.

"Fine. I had to get away from Draco's crazy family." I sighed.

He pulled away from me and frowned. "Sorry I didn't mean to hug you so hard."

"It's okay. I mean, I missed you too." I grinned. I was happy that I was with my true friends again.
"Well hello." I spun around to see Fred and George. I grinned. "Hey you two." They both smirked and left running down the stairs.

I turned to Harry. "So, what are we doing?" I asked. "Well Ron's older brother is getting married so we are doing that tomorrow. I then want to start finding these horcruxes and destroying them before it's too late." I nodded. He frowned. "There must be another way Rose." I shook my head. "If I have to die then I will. It could be the only way." I trailed off and looked to the floor.

"What happened at Draco's house Rose?" He asked. I shook my head. "Come on. You can tell me." He said. I looked at him and said, "We just had an argument, that is all. Now we aren't together anymore and I feel like part of me is missing. But it doesn't matter. I'll get over it..." I said quietly. Harry pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him tightly. "Thanks Harry." I whispered. "That's ok." He replied.

I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. I pulled away from Harry to see Fred. "Yes?" I asked.
"Quit being sappy you two. Dinner is on the table." Fred said smirking. "You made dinner for me?" I asked as I only just got here. "Not me. Mum did. Come on." He said going down the stairs. Harry and I followed him and I sat opposite Fred and next to Hermione and Ginny.

"So, what brings you here?" Arthur asked. I looked up at him and said, "I want to help you. As much as I possibly can." Arthur nodded. "And you were staying with the Malfoy's?" He asked. I nodded. "i was but I left. I- we had a fight. Draco and I. I'm sorry if im intruding on anything I just-"

"It's fine." Fred said smiling. I looked at him and smiled nodding. The weasley's really were the best family anyone could have.

After dinner I sat on the steps looking out of the window. I was thinking about everything that has happened in the past and what was to come in the future. i felt someone sit beside me. "Oh, hello Fred." I mumbled.

"Are you alright?" He said. I nodded.

"Yeah, just..thinking." I replied.

"About...?" He said.

"I dont know. Stuff. The war that is about to come. Just... stuff." I sighed.

"Don't worry, we are all going to make this out alive, and we'll win. I know it. You're an excellent witch and you'll do great. We'll all think about this in triumph in the future. We'll make it. I know we will." He said smiling softly. I looked down away from him. I won't make it. I won't be alive. I may do great but I won't be able to look back on this.

I felt tears falling off my cheeks and I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Fred out an arm around me and said, "What's wrong? Please don't get upset. You'll be alright."

I rested my head on his shoulder and whispered, "Fred? If I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anybody?"

"Of course. I won't tell a soul." He answered rubbing my arm.

"Well, Harry has to find all these Horcruxes and destroy them which will make Voldemort weaker. A-and I'm o-one of t-them. B-because V-voldemort is my f-father." I whispered clutching onto his arm.

I felt Fred's arm lossen around me. I looked up at him. "F-fred?" I whispered.

He looked down at me and frowned. His arm tightened around me again and he said, "I believe you. Y-you won't die. Okay? T-there will be another way." He said his voice shaking.

"Fred. It has to happen. Or he will win. i can't let that happen. Everybody we've ever known will be in danger." I explained.

"I promise, i'll find another way." He said resting his head on mine and grabbing my hand.

Draco's POV

I played around with my food using my fork. i wasn't hungry and I was wondering where Rose could have possibly gone. Probably with the weaselbees. I shook my head and stood up walking out of the dining hall. I went to my room and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Why is she so stressed out lately? She's not going to die if she doesn't obey her father's orders. She's the lucky one here.

I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to know where she was. I know I said she meant nothing to me but that was my anger talking. of course I love her, who am I kidding? She's my everything. I can't risk her being in danger because we've had an argument.

I'll try the Weasley's first. She might have gone there. God why am I such a jerk all the time.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now