Chapter 13

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I made my way down to the gryffindor common room and luckily there were some students going in so, in the invisibility cloak, I snuck my way in up to Hermione's room. I went inside and took my cloak off and Hermione said "One second, I'm just finishing up!"
"Sure!" I said excitedly. 
She came out from behind the curtain and she looked beautiful. "Wow, Hermione you look wonderful!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks, so do you, Rose." She hugged me and we sat on her bed talking until it was time.

"So, who is you date, Hermione, I know you know mine. I can't wait until you tell me!" I asked her happily.
"Well, if you must know, it's Viktor Krum." She said as she smiled to herself.
"Hermione! That's great! Did he ask you?"
"Yes, and keep it down or someone will hear you in here!"
I shut my mouth and then we both looked at each other and couldn't help but giggle or heads off.

It was time. Time to go. Time for the ball! Hermione and I waited until everybody has cleared out because we didn't want to get their first. We made our way down to the Grand Hall. Before we turned the corner to go through the arch to the Grand Hall we both took a deep breath. "Rose, you go first, please?" Hermione looked nervous.
"Uh, okay, I'm so nervous, um, are you sure?" I asked her timidly.
"Yes!"She smiled anxiously. "Good luck"
"Thank you, uh, see you later" I hugged her and made my way slowly down toward steps. I turned the corner and gulped hard. I could hardly contain myself. It felt as though sparks were rebounding inside me urging to get out. I came to the steps and Cedric was there, waiting, in his tux. He looked so cute and handsome I rush of happiness flew over me.
He turned to look at me and he smiled. He waited as I walked down the stairs. I took his hand and he kissed it and looked into my eyes. I smiled and felt stupid because inside I was jumping up and down with excitement. We walked over to the side of the hall where we waited for everybody else to come. 
"You look absolutely beautiful, Rose" He whispered.
I smiled looking down,"Thank you, Cedric" I answered. As I looked up and around I saw Draco walking in with Pansy. Ew. Pansy. I had to admit I felt a little jealous... He caught my eye and I looked away as though I didn't see him.

It was time to dance, and the tri-wizard contestants took to the dance floor and we did the waltz. It was very easy I must say. Once we had dance for about 5 minutes people started to join in and it lasted for about 10 minutes. However, every minute was worth while. Just being with Cedric is like, everything I could possibly ask for. Nothing can go wrong. Nothing. I love him so much.

After that dance Cedric went to get some drinks. I went to find Harry and Ron and I caught Hermione's eye as she was dancing with Viktor. I smiled her way and she turned bright pink. Then I found them sitting on their own looking bored as ever. "Guys! What are you doing? Where are your dates?!" i laughed. 
"They ran off and left us" Ron said miserably. 
"Aha, well at least try and have some fun, Fred and George are playing pranks on everyone, you should join them?" I suggested.
"No, we're good. After all the pranks will probably be pulled on us anyway" Harry sighed.
"Rose, come on lets go." Cedric grabbed my waist as he handed me my drink.
"Oh, sorry guys. Got to go. I'll see you later!" I called as Cedric pulled me away. 

"Cedric? Why are you so hyper all of a sudden?" I giggled.
"I don't know! The music makes me go crazy!" He said loudly. I laughed as we went to find a table to sit on. Squeezing through crowds of dancing people we made our way to the tables at the far end of the great hall. 
"Taken, taken, taken." Cedric murmured as he scanned the tables. "Draco? Is anybody sitting here?" Cedric asked pointing at his table. Draco sat there scowling at us and said,"No, it's not taken, feel free to -"
"Cedric? Why don't we go somewhere else, I cant tell we are not wanted." I whispered.
"Okay, oh, I know follow me" He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowds. I brushed past Pansy who was in deep conversation with her friends and I glanced back at Draco who was still staring at us as we left. I kind of felt sorry for him. A bit...

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now