Chapter 10

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"Draco" It was Voldemort, and he was inside our heads. Talking to us. I couldn't bear it. His snaky voice flowing through my head like a thing stream. Draco stood up and his hands were on his head, as were mine, trying to block him out. Voldemort was too strong, and we knew it.  

 "Rose, listen to me when I say this." Voldemort hissed. "You remember what Draco told you? If you tell anybody I came to Hogwarts, you may never see Hogwarts again. I've warned you." That was it. Over. Finished. He had gone. I was so scared I looked for Draco for help only I could see Voldemort was still taunting him, telling him things he didn't want me to hear.

I stood up and Draco gasped, catching his breath quickly. He looked at me and whispered, "I am sorry. I have to go. Sorry." He left quickly and I was left, cold on the stone steps, alone.

However, not for long. Cedric walked past me in a rush then stopped in his tracks and turned to me. "Rose! Why are you out in the cold?" I didn't answer. I was too annoyed at Draco because he just upped and left. He definitely led me on and now I feel I have no choice but to ignore his existence for the time being. "Rose?" Cedric reassuringly touched my shoulder.
"I'm fine." I said, bursting into tears. I couldn't help it. I felt like crying earlier, but I couldn't in front of Draco. I have learned to control my emotions until today.

"Hey, there, there. Don't cry. Whatever it is you'll be fine, okay?" Cedric hugged me and I cried into his chest and tried to let all the pain out of my head and heart. He pushed me back, still holding my arms and said, "Please don't cry. Not when I can finally ask you."
"Ask me? Ask me what?" I blabbered, feeling like an idiot. I probably looked really stupid blabbering out my words at him.
"Rose?" He said softly, I nodded. "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" I smiled and wiped the tears away.
"Of course" I whispered. He pulled me in for a long, warm hug and we made our way back to class. Trying not to miss the lesson.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now