Chapter 6

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The next day, I woke up and got dressed. I slowly went into the lounge of the slytherin common room and a small envelope caught my eye. It had my name on it. So, I took it and opened it slowly. I pulled out a letter and to my surprise, inside were also a few pictures.

I first read the letter,

Dear Rose,
I have decided to give you some of the photographs of you and Cedric at the yule ball. I am sure you miss him as much as I do. He was my son. My brilliant son and I'm sure he loved you very much. Rose, I like you a lot and thought you and Cedric were excellent together. This is why I trust you will appreciate me giving you these photographs.

Many happy heartfelt returns,
Amos Diggory - Father of Cedric

I closed the letter back up and took out he pictures. There was one with all of the tri-wizard contestants. One with Hermione, Viktor, Cedric and I. As I went through all the photographs I remembered that night as if it were playing in my head all over again. As I got to the last image, it was Cedric and I on the dance floor. Cedric had his arms around my waist and I was holding his neck. He was kissing me and I immediately felt a wave of sadness flow over me. I was happy Cedric's father gave me the pictures but I felt upset and sad that he is gone... Forever. I couldn't help it I broke down in tears and quickly put the letter and photos back in the envelope. I had a few extra hours sleep as I have a free period this morning. I went to my bed and placed the envelope underneath my pillow and went back downstairs.

Wiping the tears from my eyes I walked down the stairs. I stopped as I saw Draco picking up the daily prophet. He must have had a free period today as well. He turned around and saw me. "Rose, good morning." He said as he walked over to me. "Wait, what's the matter? Have you been crying?" He suddenly looked worried and scared and I shook my head.

"It doesn't-even-matter" I said slowly looking gingerly down at my feet. Draco lifted my head up and asked,"It's Cedric again isn't it?" He sounded annoyed and started to get in a strop. "You know, this happened months ago! And your still going on about it ?" "My heart felt like it had dropped 10,000 feet and I said,"What? Why are you acting like this? What if this happened to you? You'd be fine the next day would you?" Draco rolled his eyes and walked to put the newspaper back.
"No, I'm just saying, he's dead. Gone. Get over it for goodness sake."
I continued down the steps and said,"Fine, if your so annoyed about this, then go away. Don't bother with me. At all. I would say it's over, but it hasn't even started." Tears were falling down my face again. "I'm not ready for this, at all. I guess yesterday was just another meaningless kiss." I scowled at him.
"God, sometimes you act like it's the end of the world." Draco slumped on the chair and said,"Get out."
"Get. Out." He glared at me and I shook my head.
"You are so horrible Draco. Sometimes I wonder if you'd even care if I was dead or alive." I retorted as I took one last glance at Draco his face had dropped, but I slammed the door closed.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now