Chapter 4

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I arrived in Malfoy Manor and I immediately heard Bellatrix begin to laugh.

"Rose my dear, whatever made you think you'd get away and not be found?" She said. I ignored her and rolled my eyes.

Draco sat in an armchair watching me. He had a slight smirk on his face and part of me wondered if he had something to do with this. I walked over to him. "Draco, would you mind coming with me to the library?" I said walking past him. I looked back to see him following me. As soon as we got into the library I turned to him and said, "Draco. I'll ask you once. Did you have any part in-"

"No Rose. If you think I was the one to get them to bring you back then you're wrong." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

He looked completely serious. "Yes." He said simply. I sighed and said, "All I want is to be able to help my friends the best I can without being interrupted or transported somewhere within ten minutes of arriving!"

"Are you sure its not you?" Draco said.


"I mean, I know its hard, and its difficult for you. But can't you bear to stay away from me for more then an hour?" Draco smirked.

"This isnt funny. I'm pissed off." I said.

Draco sighed. "I have a duty to serve him you know. My family share that duty. If I don't take his side he will kill me. He won't even hesitate." He said.

"I know. I'm not asking you to not take his side. I'm expected to take his side because I'm his daughter. But I'm not going to. And he won't kill me. He can't."

"Obviously. Because you're his daughter." He said.

"No. Its more than that. Harry has to find these horcruxes, things that Voldemort has put part of his soul into. In order to defeat Voldemort, each horcrux must be destroyed." I explained.

"And this links with you because?"

"Because I'm a horcrux Draco." I said.

He frowned. "No."

"Yes." I said.

"Rose. No. No one is touching you. I swear to God. You're not-"

"Draco. I have to. Do you really want Voldemort to win?"

"Yes, if it means you still get to be alive!" He said in a hushed tone.

"Well I don't want my friends and family to die. So I have to do this. I'm sorry. This is just the way things are." I said.

Draco rolled his eyes and he took a deep breath. "Rose. What am I going to do?" He said angrily.

"Nothing. Draco." I said.

"No. How do you expect me to just let you die. This is ridiculous!" He shouted.

"Calm down. Draco." I said touching his arm. He stepped away and shook his head. "No. I'm not going to calm down when I'm just about to lose you again." He said angrily I walked over to him and held his hands. "Draco. Please. Listen-"
Draco grabbed my arms and said, "No you listen." He pushed me against the bookcase and I'm surprised that the books stayed on the shelf.

"All my life I've been waiting for moments to come. Everyday. And I have that moment. I have you. My family expect me to do everything they do because I'm a Malfoy. What they don't understand is I don't care about all that. And I'm now pressured to serve him because if I don't, I'm screwed. My life isn't as great as I make it out to be. My father is just popular so I follow suit, because its just my ego talking." Draco sighed and his hands moved to my waist.

"I can't lose you. You're the only good thing I've got in my life. Without you, I'm just going to end up on my own, and I don't know how to live without you." He looked to the floor and I saw he started to silently cry.

"Draco. Please. Stop this." I said quietly. "You dont have to be upset for me. Maybe this can work out another way." I said. I knew it couldn't, but I was trying to calm him down.

"It will. I will make this right. Don't worry." He said gripping my waist tighter. "I love you. So much." He said before placing his lips on mine. "I love you too Draco." I said smiling sadly.

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in forever but o apologise I had other stories to finish and now they are all complete my main focus is this story!

I hope you enjoy the rest of it and I will try and update as much as I can ❤

I love you guys :) ❤

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now