Year 7. Chapter 1

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"Right. So where do we start?" I asked as we walked out of the burrow.

"Well, R.A.B. we should go there. Harry?" Hermione said.

"Uh, yes. R.A.B. Let's go." Harry said.

Hermione put her arm out and we all held it as she prepared to dissaparate.

"Rose?" I heard my name being called behind me and I turned to see Draco, again.

The others didn't notice him but my hand slipped from Hermione's arm as she dissaparated.

"Oh my god!" I yelled frustrated that I had missed them.

"I've come to get you." He said simply, walking towards me.

"Well I'm not going." I protested.

"Quit being difficult Rose. You need to come back your father is waiting an-"

"My father? No. I don't have a father. I never have. And I never will. That thingis not my father." I said angrily.

"Whatever then. He is waiting and I need to get you. Now." He said.

"Draco. I left you, and your family and everything. I am not going back. Its finished." I scowled at him and he raised his eye brows.

"Great. So its finished. We are finished? Thanks a lot Rose. I love you so much. Why can't you see it? And now you are telling me we are finished?" He said angrily.

"Woah. That is not what I meant. We are not finished Draco I just-"

"Then come back with me. Please Rose." He said, almost begging.

"I can't." I said. Draco stepped closer to me and took both my hands in his own. He scowled at me before kissing me roughly. I was taken back by this and for a moment I was stiff. But I soon loosened up and melted into the kiss, kissing him back. His hands moved and held my waist so he was pressed up against me. He pulled away but still held me and said, "Come on Rose. I'm begging you."

"No. Still no." I said.

He smirked. "Too late." And as he held me he dissaparated and I was stupid for letting him even touch me. Great.

We landed back in Malfoy Manor and Draco stood there smirking. We were in my room and I sighed.

"I lied to you." He said walking over to me.

"You what!?" I exclaimed.

"Daddy isn't here don't worry. I just needed you back here as soon as possible." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Draco Malfoy how dare you!" I said punching him on his arm.

He chuckled but I was not happy at all. He then sighed and said, "Rose. I'm sorry I ever let you leave. And I'm sorry for arguing with you but I just wanted you to be alright and safe, and I'm sorry for fighting with the weasleys, I just wanted you back and then- look, I love you. So so much. And there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of you. But I know now, that I ca nt leave you. We have to stick together because I'm breaking but I 0 tou to fix me. It's so much pressure. Rose, please. I need you." He explained scratching the back of his neck.

I sighed and smiled slightly. Who am I kidding? I love this boy and I always will, even if it kills me.

I walked closer to him and cupped his face in my hands. "Draco Malfoy you make my heart race and you don't even realise." I said before kissing him softly. He smiled and kissed me back.

I pulled away and said, "Draco, it could be the last time we spend together like this. The war will start soon. I don't care but I am ready." I said.

"Ready? As in..." He asked. I nodded. "Only if you're sure?" He said. I nodded again pushing him to sit on the bed. I sat on him straddling his hips and he let out a small groan. I smiled and kissed him again.

"How could I ever stay mad at you. And I should really be helping Harry but, he's already found one and he has Ron and Hermione and-"

"Shut up." Draco said kissing me after he rolled his eyes. I laughed and he pushed me onto the bed. He brought out his wand and used it to lock and shut the door. He then put the wand on the bedside table and leant down to kiss me. His finger traced my bottom lip and he kissed my jawline softly. He then proceeded to kiss my neck and he slowly put his hands underneath my top ans stroked my stomach.

I pulled my top off and Draco did the same. I shut my eyes as he kissed me once more before stopping to undo my jeans and he slid them down my legs. He then slid his hands up my legs and held my thighs while planting small kissed all over my stomach. He then undid his jeans and took them off.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure." I confirmed while tracing circles across his torso.

He smiled and kissed me before taking my underwear off and then his. I was nervous, it was my first time but I knew is as ready and I felt bad for doing this when my friends needed me the most but... I don't know. There isn't a excuse really...

Draco kissed me hard and slowly entered me. He started off slow at first and once I were used to it he sped up and believe me it was something special.

I had never, ever felt like this ever and I couldn't believe it was actually happening. Draco kissed me and once we had finished he lay beside me ans pulled the covers over us.

We laid there, in the middle of the afternoon, in total silence cuddled against one another, enjoying each others company.

"I love you so damn much Rose. Don't ever leave again." He said.

"I love you too Draco." I answered as I drew circles across his chest.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now