Chapter 11

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I did as Dumbledore asked, and went to find Harry. I needed to apologise. As I found him I hugged him tightly. "Harry, I'm so sorry. It's just everything was making me so upset and angry. You didn't deserve that, really, you didn't" I pulled away and he smiled softly.
"It's okay, Rose. Don't worry, we'll always love you" He hugged me back and I saw Draco appear from an archway. Pansy shortly followed after him and was bragging about something. I could tell by the look on her face. Ughh. I pulled away and said, "Excuse me, for a minute?" Harry nodded and I rushed over to Draco. I stood in front of him and he smirked at me. Which caused Pansy to shut up and she looked at me confused.

"Draco, I'm sorry. You know I've been having a rough couple of days. Forget about it, I'm okay now. Dumbledore helped me see sense, so..." I stopped, not wanting to say anymore.
"So?" Draco ushered me to finish.

I looked over at Pansy who was standing there impatiently waiting until we've finished. I looked back around and Harry, Ron and Hermione had left. They probably didn't get the message that break was extended. I looked back at Draco and his beautiful grey eyes shone in the sunlight. For a moment, just a moment, I excluded Pansy, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the whole school from my thoughts. I took in the present moment. The moment I felt like my life was standing in front of me. Pretty stupid, huh? A fifteen year old thinking a boy is her life. Yeah, it is stupid, but I was intending to see where it takes us. Even if it meant being secretive for the time being. With every bad moment there is a good moment. This was my good moment. I felt it. Coarsing through my veins and through my body. Suddenly, everything was clear. I had been in denial the whole time. I felt like my true place was here. With Draco.

"So..." I continued, only to give him the message in a different way. I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer to me. He stared at me for a few seconds and then I pulled him in for a kiss. A long one at that. I slowly shut my eyes, making the most of this moment. I felt Draco smile and he pulled me closer to him. I held him tighter and heard Pansy walk off. In a fluster probably.

Draco stopped,"Rose, your all that I want, you know, it feels like we're in heaven". I bit my lip and smiled looking down at the floor, causing my hair to fall. He pushed my hair back and smiled, kissing me sweetly again. He stopped and put his forehead on mine. "Come take a walk with me."

We walked through crowds of people and went to the bridge. We stood on it looking out across the glistening sea. "Rose." I looked over to him. He didn't turn around but carried on. "You see. I love you, and I don't want to lose you because my life has been better since the day I found my true feelings for you" He looked round at me and put his hands on my upper arms. "I don't want to cause conflict between your friends and I, or even between your friends and yourself. So-"

"Shh. Draco, I see something in you that no one else can. That's why I love you. And secretly, I wish no one else sees it too. We don't have to tell them. We can keep it a secret for now. Like you said. Until I'm ready to tell them. They just need to know the real you. You have to be nice though." I said as I fixed his tie. "Please, be nice. For me?" I asked as I looked up at him with hope. He rolled his eyes,"Fine, but only 'cause I love you." He smirked and pulled me in for a cuddle.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now