Chapter 18

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Later that day, Pansy, Goyle, Crabbe and Blaise had arrived for dinner. Apparently they stay here all the time every holiday. I didn't like the idea of Pansy getting so close to Draco...

We had finished dinner an we were bored. I made an effort to be nice to his friends at least. "How about 20 questions?" I asked. Everyone nodded but obviously my idea wasn't good enough for little miss perfect. "Wait, no. Ive got an even better idea. How about, 7 minutes in heaven?" That. Little. Shit. Only because e wanted to get Draco. Of course everyone agreed. So we made our way to the library.

Everybody sat down in a circle and gathered around a pot. I put my necklace in while the others put theirs in and I then waited.
"So, who's going first?" Blaise asked.
"Since you asked, you go ahead. If you don't wanna go in the closet with someone you have to choose a forfeit." Pansy said as she smirked at me. What. Is. Her. Problem...

Blaise reached in and pulled out a small sliver snake badge. Crabb bust into laughter and Blaise threw it at him. "I bloody forfeit." Blaise said laughing. I giggled too and Draco smirked at me.
"Okay, I forfeit you to..." Pansy started. No one could think of a forfeit. So we just told him to leave it. Next was..I didn't bother looking to see who was next, I really couldn't be bothered to play right now. Not with her. A cold hand grabbed mine and pulled me up, pulling me towards the closet, I saw it was Draco and I felt relieved. I was so glad Pansy didn't get him, or even worse, anyone else getting me.

Once we were in the closet, Draco helped me put my necklace back on and then turned me around. "So, we're in a closet, alone, what do you want to do?" He asked seductively smirking at me. I looked down trying to stop myself from laughing. He pushed my chin up and licked his lips. He then leant in and his lips crashed onto mine. He took my waist and pulled me closer to him and everything felt so magical. I lost motion of time and space and only felt him and nothing else around me.

Suddenly, he was like a caged animal and kissed me harder causing me to gasp. Draco slid his hands down my arms and over my hands. He entangled his fingers in mine and pulled me forwards until he sat on a small crate and pulled me onto his lap. He then kissed my neck with soft kisses and pulled me as close as possible, encircling me in his arms.

He looked at me and smirked. I quickly smashed my lips into his and kissed him hard causing him to growl. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I gladly accepted. He paused and looked into my eyes. His gorgeous grey eyes sparkles as he said,"I love you."

"Time up!" Blaise said pushing the door open fast. Draco rolled his eyes. "Seriously! Just one more minute?" He asked. Blaise shook his head smirking. "We'll continue this later," He purred. We both got up and walked out. Draco sat on a chair pulling me onto his lap cuddling me and Pansy got up and left in a huff. Crabb and Goyle left because there wasn't any point in playing anymore and Blaise left as he said,"I'll give you two some space, see ya." With that he left and Draco kissed my forehead.

"I love you Draco. I hope Harry, Ron and Hermione are alright." I said quietly.
"I'm sure they'll be fine. Anyway, you have the whole holidays with me, what could go wrong?" He smirked. We stayed there talking for ages until we went to bed.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now