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Karlie skipped out on meeting Lily and Behati for breakfast. Instead, she went to get her phone replaced.

"Where's Karlie, Lil?"

"Probably flipping tables as we speak."


"She went to replace her phone."

"Why what happened to it?"


"Lily, you're not making any sense. What's going on?"

"Karlie told Taylor about the conversation that you overheard. Taylor freaked out and insisted on going to Nashville to confront Abigail. Karlie FLIPPED because she wanted to be there with her when that confrontation took place. They got into a huge fight and Karlie told her that if she goes, then she can stay there."

"Lily, this is all my fault. I should have never said anything to Karlie."

"Behati, I have to ask...why didn't you say something in St. Louis?"

"I wanted to but there was already tension with Taylor and Karlie and I just didn't have the heart to say anything at that point. Lily, I feel horrible, I should have just kept my mouth shut."

"Behati listen, you did the right thing by telling Karlie. She had to know what these people were up to. I'm just worried right now. I've never seen Karlie so angry and especially towards Taylor. It's bad right now, REAL BAD and I don't know how it can be fixed. I'm gonna try calling Taylor now. Maybe she hasn't gotten on the plane yet."

Lily tried calling but the phone went directly to voicemail.

"Taylor, it's Lily. Please reconsider going to Nashvillle, if you haven't already left. Karlie is right, you have to think about the baby. None of us know what Abigail is capable of. Please call me back."

The girls made their way to their shoot location and started their hair and makeup. A short time later, Karlie walked in looking completely disheveled. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were bloodshot from crying.

"Rough night?" The hair stylist asked as Karlie gave a dirty look in return.

Behati and Lily looked over at one another too reluctant to say anything to Karlie. Their friend just sat in her chair scrolling through her phone over and over.

"I'm not going to ask if you're ok." Lily said. "But if you want to talk, please don't hesitate. We're here for you to vent if you need to."

"Thanks." Karlie said, unmoved by everything Lily had just said to her.


Back in LA, Taylor just arrived to the airport. She had been hysterical for the last couple of hours. This time, it was tears of pain and hurt for the things Karlie said to her. She never expected that from her wife. Being yelled at like that brought back painful memories of Scott and the things he used to say to her during the years of abuse. It even reminded her of the hurtful things Dianna had said to her on a few occasions.

As much as she knew Karlie wanted to be there and why, she felt the need to have this conversation with Abigail herself. She needed her so called best friend to look her in the eyes and tell her why she could do something so hurtful and mean. She knew her wife didn't understand and she didn't expect her to but during her entire career, everyone fought her battles for her. This time, she needed to fight this on her own.


"Are you done yet? How long does it take to put fucking eye shadow on?"

"I'm sorry Karlie. I'm almost done." The makeup artist said as she tried her best to hurry. "Ok, you're all set."

"It's about fucking time." Karlie said as she headed to the set.

"I'm sorry, Carol. Karlie's not herself today. You'll have to excuse her."

"Yeah, no problem Lily. We all have bad days. She's never like that, so whatever is going on, must be pretty bad."

Lily gave the makeup artist an uneasy smile as she walked away.

"Jesus, did you hear her Lil? You were right, Karlie is pissed."

"Yeah well, let's just hope our shoot flies by. Everything is so fucked up. I just can't even deal with it. First Emma, now Abigail and let's not forget about the double team of Martha and Toni at the party last night."

"MARTHA AND TONI??? WHAT!!" Behati yelled as Karlie snapped her head in the girls direction.

"What did you say?" Karlie asked as she stared down Behati. "WHAT? DO I HAVE FIVE FUCKING HEADS?" What about Martha and Toni? Did you go out to dinner with them and you forgot to tell me?"

"Karlie, no... I was just reacting to what...."


"KARLIE STOP!" Lily yelled. "I get you're upset. I understand that and you have every right to be but stop taking your fucking attitude out on everyone around you. She was repeating what I had said. Last night at the anniversary party, Jamie invited Martha and Martha brought Toni as her guest. Both of them were at Taylor's table along with Ella, Emma, Selena and Jamie. Now I get you're pissed at Taylor but, goddammit, she handled the night by herself. She was calm and held her composure. For all we know they might all be against her but the only ones she knew for sure were Toni and Emma. Yet, she handled herself the best way she could. So, be mad, kick and scream if you want to but after all of these fucking months of everyone wanting her to get help and better herself, it finally paid off. Be fucking proud of her."

Lily walked way as Karlie just stood there motionless. She had no idea what Taylor had to deal with the night before and now she felt like a real asshole.

Within seconds Karlie completely crumbled. She was hysterical and ran off the set.

"KARLIE? WAIT!!" Behati yelled as her friend ran back to her trailer.

"Karlie open the door."

"Leave me alone Behati. I just want to be left alone."


The door slowly opened as Karlie sat back down on the couch and continued crying.

"Pull yourself together and stop the fucking crying. You have a contract to fulfill. Get out there and do this shoot. Your dilemma will still be there when you're done but right now you have to work."

"Lily, I fucked up. She's gonna hate me forever and I can't blame her. I said such fucked up things to her."

"Yeah you did. And unfortunately our most powerful weapon is our tongue. But ya know what, sometimes shit happens. We say things that we probably shouldn't say. Taylor has every right to be pissed at you but I'm sure with time she'll get over it."

"You don't understand. You don't know what she's been through. I'm no different from the people who hurt her in the passed. She'll never forgive me."

"Karlie, I feel as though I know Taylor pretty well and what I know is that she will forgive you, EVENTUALLY, but don't expect it to be overnight. Let's get this shoot done and we can take the next flight home tonight instead of waiting for tomorrow."

The three girls returned to the shoot and finished their obligation. Four hours later, they were heading to Nashville.

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