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The girls had made it back to NY really late the previous night. Tracy, Kariann and Kristine were expected to arrive later that afternoon. Karlie got up early as Taylor remained asleep. She was really anxious to see Mikayla and headed over to Scott's apartment.

Scott answered the knock at the door and greeted Karlie with a hug and kiss.

"Come on in Kar. She's still sleeping but she was starting to move around.

Karlie went in the bedroom and watched her daughter move around slowly, rubbing her eyes with one little fist as she clutched her kitten blanket with the other.

"Good morning bean." Karlie whispered as her daughter opened her squinty eyes, and looked at her mom as if she was still trying to focus. When she realized who was standing there, a smile crept over her face as she said, "Hi mama, up."

Karlie picked the little one up and gave her a big hug and kiss. "Mommy and I missed you so much."

"Mommy?" The little one questioned.

"Mommy's sleeping but we're gonna wake her up."

"Shh." Mikayla whispered as she held her finger to her lips.

"Hahaha, yes. We have to be quiet when we go in the room ok? Come on bean, let's go see mommy."

Karlie grabbed the baby's belongings and went back to her apartment.

When they entered the bedroom, Taylor was still sound asleep, laying on her stomach. Karlie laid Mikayla on Taylor's back and then straddled her wife.

"Bean you ready? One...two...three...let's give mommy kisses." The two of them leaned down as they placed a bunch of kisses all over Taylor's head and cheek.

The singer started to giggle, knowing both of her loves were laying on top of her giving her some love.

"Mommy kiss."

Karlie moved over so her wife could turn on her back. "Hello my little girl. I love you so much, give mommy a hug." Mikayla laid against her mother, as Taylor gave her kisses on her head. "Your turn, my big girl, come give your princess a kiss." Taylor grabbed the collar of her wife's shirt and pulled her down. "Mmmm, I love you."

"I love you too." Karlie replied as she placed three more quick kisses on her wife's lips. "So, what are we doing today?"

"Well, your mom and sisters are coming today. I was thinking dinner here at the house with everyone. What would you like to do?"

"I was thinking we should do a ski weekend in Vermont with our family and friends. We'll invite Lily, Cara, Behati and Selena."

"SELENA?" Taylor replied completely shocked.

"I know you guys have been really close for a long time and you don't get to see each other as often as you like. Not only that but, I haven't always been really fair when it came to your friends. Like, when we started dating, you really dropped everything for me and embraced my friends and basically pushed your friends aside. I didn't always give Selena a fair chance and I'm sorry for that. I just want you to be able to have someone to go to whenever you need to and be that support for you, the way Cara, Lily and Behati have been a support for me."

"Well, I appreciate it but maybe another time. It's just a few days before Christmas and I don't want any drama between her, Austin and Kimby. Selena mentioned about getting a place in NY. Maybe after the holidays when she comes out and looks for a place, we can begin to have her over more regularly. But let's call everyone else and see if they can go."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now