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Karlie ran up the stairs as she met her wife in their bedroom. "Hey babe." Karlie said as she placed a kiss on Taylor's lips before sitting across from her.

"Ready for out assignment Kar?"

"Yeah, do you want to start?"

"I don't care." Taylor replied.

"Ok. Tell me, Taylor, what do you fear?"

"Don't laugh at me but I wrote it down." Taylor took a deep breath before she started. "Ok......I fear losing you. I fear one day waking up and you changing your mind about me. That I'm not good enough for you anymore and it scares the hell out of me. I've had fans all of my life and have felt loved by many and yet I never feared losing their love the way I fear losing yours."

Taylor began to just look down and play with her fingers.

"I feel like I'm a burden to you at times. I always relied so much on my mom and I don't have her anymore and I know she put up with me because of the fact that I'm her daughter. I've pulled away from you recently because I was afraid that if you saw me at my lowest point, you'd see how unstable I truly am." Taylor didn't have anymore to say, she just held her head in her hands, completely embarrassed by what she just shared.

"I know Miss Simpson said to sit across from each other, but I rather sit with you." Karlie said.

The model got up and sat on the oversized chair with her wife. The two of them slouched down as Taylor laid her head in the crook of Karlie's neck as the two of them intertwined their fingers.

"I love you Taylor. How is it that we have such similar fears? I'm afraid of losing you too because of all the times I ran before. I feel like one day you're gonna wake up and say, that you're just tired of me and that I'm not worth it anymore. Because no one deserves to be walked out on over and over. I'm the cause of your insecurity and I'm so sorry for that."

"I don't want you to fear me leaving anymore because I'm not going anywhere. I know I promised you in the past I would never leave and then something would happen and all of a sudden, I'd leave. You have no idea how guilty I feel because I'm the one who causes you to feel the way you do. I know that only time can prove to you that what I'm saying is true, but I'm not leaving. I'm not running anymore. You're my endgame and I'll fight for you forever. You're the only thing in my life that I've ever been 100% sure about."

"I fell in love with you two and a half years ago and I've only fallen more in love with you since then. Do you realize that when we're not together, you are truly the only person I think about? I never loved anyone as much as I love you."

Karlie sat up and looked at her wife as tears streamed down her face. "I know I've hurt you in the past. I made mistakes and it kills me inside. I don't know what I'd ever do without you. You're not a burden to me, you never were. I'm your wife and I want to be here for you, for better or worse. I don't always have the answers and I don't always know what to say when it comes to your mom because I know how hurt you are. But I lost my dad too and even though I was so young and didn't have the same relationship with him as you did with your mom, I still know what that emptiness feels like. I just don't want you to push me away. I'm so sorry Taylor. Please believe me. I need you. I don't know what else to do or say anymore."

Taylor reached for her wife and pulled her into a hug as she said, "I do believe you and I know you're sorry Karlie. I need you too."

The two laid silently in one another's embrace as Karlie whispered, "Please don't ever leave me."

Taylor stroked her wife's hair as she said, "I'm not going anywhere Karlie. You make me so happy every single day. I was never able to quite understand what it was that you saw in me. I've always had this image of myself of never being good enough for anyone and then you came along and you're so sweet and loving and you tell me all of the things I've always wanted to hear and it scared me. It scared me because no one ever treated me the way you do and I didn't know how to handle it. With time I've come to realize that you're my soulmate and my endgame too. There's no where I'd rather be than with you. And I know I hurt you as well and I'm so incredibly sorry for that. I promise you that I'll never leave you. You're stuck with me forever, as long as you want to be."

Karlie looked up at her wife as she smiled and said, "I want to be."

"I love you Karlie Kloss."

"And I love you Taylor Swift."

The two shared a deep and passionate kiss that was like no other. It felt like there was a breakthrough in their relationship. Taylor realized that she's not the only one with insecurities. The most important person in her life had been suffering the same thing for all this time and she never knew the severity of it. It made her feel less alone. Deep down she knew that she needed Karlie as much as Karlie needed her. Those inner feelings that she once thought would ultimately break and destroy her, were the same feelings that were now lifting her up and being a support to someone else. As they laid together silently, they heard their little one talking in the next room through the walkie.

"She's having a full blown conversation in there with her stuffed animals." Karlie said as she sat up. "Come on beautiful, let's go see our daughter."

Taylor leaned against the crib as Mikayla took notice and began to wave her arms and kick her legs. Karlie stood behind her wife as she said, "Maybe she's gonna be a swimmer. We should get her enrolled in swimming classes."

"How about we hold off on swimming lessons and just enjoy her for right now?" Taylor said as she kissed her wife's jaw.

"I think you should give us our own private concert, babe."

"Oh really." Taylor replied.

"I do. You haven't sung to both of us yet."

"Alright. Let's go in the music room."

Karlie grabbed the baby and followed her wife. She took a seat on the couch as Taylor grabbed her guitar and sat on a stool in the middle of the room. "What do you want to hear Kar?"

"Whatever you want. You pick."

Taylor started with Stay Beautiful, followed by White Horse and finishing with Enchanted. She caught herself beginning to chuckle a few times as Mikayla waved her rattle around. As she wrapped up the last song, Karlie turned Mikayla to face her as she said, "Your mommy is Taylor Swift. Do you know what that means? That means you get custom lullaby's, birthday songs, a wedding song. Oh my God babe, one day she's gonna get married."

"Kar, I think we have about twenty five years to go before that happens. What's the sad look for?"

"Because, the years are gonna fly by. I don't want you to get married Mikayla. I'm probably not gonna like any of your boyfriends anyway."

"OR girlfriends." Taylor chimed in.

"That's right. Or girlfriend. Hey Tay, did you see her get all into it with her rattle? Maybe we should get her a mini tambourine. You can start singing country again and she can be in the band. Right bean? You'll play songs with your mommy?"

"You're a mess Kar, but you're my mess and I love you."

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