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"Jesus, why do girls take so long in the shower?" Austin asked his mother as the two waited in the living room for Karlie and Taylor to come down.

"Oh, leave them be. I'm sure they'll be down shortly." Andrea replied.

Twenty minutes later the girls arrived.

"Well, it's about time. I thought you two got sucked down the drain."

"Listen snuggle bear, relax. We're leaving now." Karlie said as Austin gave her a dirty look.

All four entered the garage.

"Taylor, what are you doing? Don't take that, take the golf cart. The off road car is too bumpy and you'll have a difficult time getting in and out through the window." Karlie said.

"Well, what's my dad gonna use to get back and forth from the guest house to the main house?"

"Babe, he can use the off road car or one of the ATV's."

"Ok." Taylor replied.

Andrea and Taylor got in the cart as Karlie walked over.

"Have fun ladies."

"Oh, I'm sure we will. Enjoy the day with your mom Karlie. Invite her over for dinner tonight. The girls too." Andrea said.

"I'll invite them." Karlie replied.

Karlie leaned in and kissed her wife. "Drive careful babe. Watch the branches that are on the ground. Don't go too fast. I'll see you tonight. I love you."

"I love you too Kar. See you tonight."

After one more kiss, Karlie walked over to the SUV and hopped in.

"Good God, you and my sister kiss more than any other couple I've ever seen."

"Sorry. Your sister has kissable lips."

"I bet you guys have sex like twice a week." Austin said.

"Are you serious?" Karlie replied. "More like twice a day buddy."

"Shut the fuck up. Are you being serious?" Austin asked in amazement.

"Yeah. We have a pretty awesome sex life. Besides, I'm sure you and Kimby get it on all the time when you're together."

The car grew silent as Austin looked out the window.

"Earth to Austin, you ok?"

"Umm, we haven't had sex yet." Austin said shyly.

"Seriously?" Karlie said in absolute amazement.

"I mean, it's not like I don't want to I just..."


"I just... I'm really falling in love with her and I want it to be special. I don't want to rush her or anything. Like, we fool around but that's pretty much it."

"Damn Austin. I've found a whole new level of respect for you. That's very commendable. You don't find people like that anymore. That's pretty awesome."

"How long did you wait with Taylor?"

"Ummm....yeah....we uhhh....hmmm.....well....it's gonna sound bad. Don't judge me....we uhhh kinda...had sex the first day we met."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now