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They got down to the train as Taylor took a seat in the first passenger car.

"What are you doing? Why are you sitting over there?" Karlie asked.

"There's no seats over there, other than the driver seat." Taylor replied.

"Just come over here, please."

As Taylor changed locations, Karlie pulled her down on her lap as she started up the train and began their ride through the woods.

When they reached the open area that they typically watch the sunrise and sunsets, Karlie stopped the train and got out, grabbing Taylor's hand in the process.

"Look at our daughter. Sound asleep. She loves the vibration of the tracks. I've taken her for a ride on this several times in the past two days and she has yet to stay awake for it." Karlie said as she began to laugh.

The model held her wife's hand as they began to take a walk around their property.

"Ya know, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say or do about what you told me. I guess the natural reaction would be to leave you. Maybe separate for a while or even divorce."

Taylor stopped immediately as she said, "Kar.."

"Tay, let me finish. I don't know what you want from me. We both have fucked up time and time again and we've both said it'll never happen again. But something always seems to happen. Your fear has always been that I'll leave you. And maybe that is a valid fear because of my track record for constantly running away. Well, I'm not running anymore. I try so hard to give you everything you could ever want or need."

"I can't find it in myself to stop loving you. We have a daughter now and I want her to grow up with both of us, together. I don't want us to be part time parents. I don't want to learn to live life without you being there with me, every step of the way. I'm hurt that this happened but I can't be angry with you. I'd be a hypocrite if I was. I know a little too well, what alcohol and missing your wife can do to a person. It doesn't make it right. I'm sure there are a lot of people who have been in that same situation and never acted on it. I'm not sure why we have. But we have. The question is, where do we go from here?"

"Kar, I don't want to lose you and I know I fucked up. I don't know why I did it. You do give me everything I ever wanted and even things I never thought I needed. I love you Karlie and I want us to work. I need you. Can we try therapy again?"

Karlie simply nodded her head as she led her wife back to the train.

When they got back to the house, Karlie made the call to Miss Simpson and arranged for her to come to St. Louis in a couple of days.

Regardless of what happened, Karlie couldn't help but feel sorry for Taylor. She knew that it was moments like this that Taylor would have reached out to her mother to seek advice. And now she has no one. It broke the models heart just thinking about  what that feeling must be like. She couldn't help but want to be with her wife, to hold her and tell her that they were going to get through this.

Selena happened to call Taylor when Karlie was downstairs talking to Miss Simpson. As Karlie entered her bedroom, she heard her wife talking to her friend through the baby walkie that was on the nightstand.

"Yeah, I told her. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I didn't. How did she take it? Well, she wasn't happy. But she didn't leave either. I don't know, she's so calm. I know that probably sounds weird but I'm used to us fighting and screaming and then making up with great sex." Karlie couldn't help but chuckle at that part. She just shook her head as she continued listening. "Right now I don't know how to read her. Selena, of course I love her. That's the biggest problem. I love her so much that I just don't understand why I did what I did. What if she wakes up tomorrow and decides that she can do better than me? I mean, I wouldn't be able to blame her. The fact is, Karlie deserves someone better than me. How is it that I've managed to be pretty good when it comes to making music and yet nothing else goes right in my life...except our daughter. What if she takes her?"

Karlie heard enough of the conversation and walked into Mikayla's room. Taylor stopped talking almost immediately as she watched Karlie peek into the baby's crib. She saw she was sound asleep and turned back to her wife. Karlie grabbed the phone from Taylor's hand.

"Hi Selena, it's Karlie. Can Taylor give you a call back? Ok, thanks."

Karlie picked up her wife and walked back to her bedroom.

"Kar, what are you doing?"

The model placed her wife on her feet, in front of the bed. She stared intently into Taylor's eyes as she placed her hand on the side of the singers neck and pulled her in for an aggressive kiss. The model removed all of her clothes as well as Taylor's. She pushed her wife on the bed as she climbed on top of her and began to passionately suck and bite on Taylor's neck as the singer threw her head back and moaned. Karlie began to slide down her body, cupping and squeezing her wife's breasts as Taylor placed her hands on top of her wife's.

"Oh my God...." Taylor said as Karlie made her way between her legs. The model wasted no time. There was no teasing or seduction. She went right in to aggressively licking and sucking on her wife's hardened nub as Taylor gripped the sheets and squirmed on the bed. Karlie held her wife's legs apart, as she continued to please her. "Ohhh, fuck Karlie....oh my God...."

The harder Karlie went, the more Taylor squirmed until her upper body was hanging off the side of bed. "Ohhhh myyyy goddddd....I'm gonna come." This didn't stop the model. Infact, it only made her go harder and faster, intensifying her wife's orgasm that much more as Taylor released the sheets and gripped her wife's head as Karlie held on to her legs and pulled her back on the bed. The model slid up her wife's body and looked deep into Taylor's eyes as she stuck two fingers in her mouth and then inserted them. Thrusting them in and out caused the singer to scream in ecstasy as she came again to her wife's delight. Karlie removed her fingers and stuck them in Taylor's mouth as she then kissed her with every bit of desire she had for her. She hovered her lips over the singers as she said, "I don't deserve someone better. I deserve you and I want you. I've always wanted you. I'll never take Mikayla away from you. She's our daughter and you're my wife and I love you."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now