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"Hey babe, miss me?"

"Hey Kar. Of course I missed you. How was your target practice?"

The model laid down on the couch with her wife as she told her all about her experience.

"It was actually pretty cool babe. AND the instructor told me that I have a natural shot. I was actually better than Cara. I was gonna bring you home my paper, so you could see for yourself but I didn't want to freak you out."

"Well, I'm glad you had fun shooting your paper. Will you be going back?"

"Yeah, I'll go back. It'll be nice to bond with Cara again and try and rebuild our friendship. I probably won't go everyday; however, maybe just twice a week. By the way, Cara would like to apologize to you for everything that happened the last time you saw her. I didn't just want to bring her over without you being ok with it."

"Kar, I don't have a problem with that. If you're willing to give her another chance, then I can too."

"How are you so perfect?"

"It's a gift." Taylor said as she pulled her wife into a kiss. "Come on baby, let's go eat dinner."

The girls ate their dinner before getting changed and watching a couple of movies. When they were done, Karlie went downstairs to take her pill and then went back upstairs to her wife.

"Where'd you sneak off to?"

"Just to get a quick drink." Karlie said as she snuggled up to her wife.

"Kar, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Will you come with me?"

"Of course I will. What time is the appointment?"


"Oh, 11:30?" Karlie replied.

"Yeah. Did you have somewhere to be?"

"I have an appointment with Miss Simpson at 11."

"Well, that should be ok. Call Miss Simpsons office in the morning. Maybe she can bump you up to 10, then we'll just go together and still be able to make it to my appointment. Does that sound like a good idea?"

"Umm, I'll just reschedule. I don't want her to make any special arrangements just for me."

Taylor sat up and turned towards her wife. "Karlie, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, Taylor. I'm fine."

"Then why won't you just change the time?"

"Taylor, drop it."

"No, I'm not dropping it. Tell me why Kar."

"Taylor, I'm tired. I'm going to bed."

Karlie turned away from her wife and attempted to go to sleep. She felt the bed dip down a bit and knew Taylor just got up.

"Where are you going?"

Karlie got no response. Her wife put on her robe and walked out.

The model didn't like being alone at night. This was one of her new found fears ever since the crash. The nighttime just scared her. Her wife was like her security blanket. She needed her to fall asleep.

Karlie was getting really sleepy from her pill, but she didn't want to close her eyes. She got up and went to find Taylor. She saw the door to the music room was closed and knew that's where Taylor was. Knowing that it's been so long since Taylor has had an interest in writing again, she didn't want to bother her. She went back to the bedroom and fought the tiredness that was overcoming her body.

She laid down as she could feel her eyelids get heavier and heavier. Soon, she fell asleep.

*Karlies dream*
Taylor was outside in a huge yard, overlooking the ocean. She was surrounded by all of their family and friends. There was a little girl with blondish brown hair and green eyes. She looked to be about 7 years old and held Taylor's hand tight as they walked through the crowd. As the little girl walked past Tracy and Andrea, she said "Hi grandma, hi nana." This was Mikayla. Where am I?
Taylor continued to walk through the crowd, finally stopping in front of everyone as she got everyone's attention. 'I'd like to thank everyone for coming. It means so much to Mikayla and I to have you all here with us. If you would all grab a balloon and write a personalized message on it, we'll release it together. Taylor handed a marker to Mikayla as she held the balloon for her. The little girl whispered something in Taylor's ear. Her mother responded by nodding her head. As the crowd grew silent, just watching this little girl, she held her balloon, and read the message she just wrote. "I love you mommy in heaven. Love your bean."
*end of dream*

"TAYLOR!" Karlie screamed as she sat up in bed in a cold sweat, as the tears streamed down her face. Taylor wasn't in the bedroom, nor did she come in. Karlie got up and grabbed one of her wife's pillows, hugging it as she sat on the floor, in the corner of the room and rocked back and forth. She cried into the pillow until she began to fall back to sleep.

Taylor was still in the music room, with headphones on as she played her keyboard, not wanting to wake up her wife. She finished two songs and decided to go to sleep. When she walked into the bedroom, the lights were off and not wanting to wake her wife, she just felt her way to her side of the bed.

She slowly got into bed and felt guilty for abruptly leaving the bedroom earlier. As she rolled over to hug her wife, she found the bed to empty and Karlie's side was rather cold. Taylor immediately sat up, turned on the lamp on the nightstand and saw her wife on the floor, in the corner of the room hugging her pillow.

Being frantic, she jumped out of bed and ran over to Karlie.

"Karlie, wake up. Baby, what happened?"

The model looked up and hugged her wife, gripping her tight as she cried on Taylor's shoulder. Taylor just held her close and rubbed her back as she planted little kisses on her wife's head.

"I'm sorry Taylor."

"Karlie, what are you sorry for?"

"I didn't want to change the time of my appointment because I didn't want you to come with me. That's why I didn't wake you up the other morning and why I didn't tell you about going to see Miss Simpson when I told you I was going to the gym today. I mean, I did go to the gym, but I saw Miss Simpson first."

"Kar, why didn't you just tell me. I would have understood."

"I'm just embarrassed, Taylor. I feel so weak. It wasn't that I didn't want you there because you bother me. I just didn't want you to get worried, hearing about my ordeal. I hate going out in public without you because I don't want people to ask me how I'm doing, or what was it like. I'm afraid to go to sleep by myself at night because I have nightmares every night and they're only getting worse. Miss Simpson prescribed me a sleeping pill and I took one tonight for the first time, but I still had a nightmare. I feel so helpless and I don't know if I'm ever going to snap out of this."

By this time, the singer is also crying.Taylor pulled her wife close against her.

"Karlie, you don't ever have to be embarrassed around me. You're not weak. You're the strongest person I know and I love you so much. I'm right here, by your side. I just want you to be ok. You can always talk to me, baby. You're going to get better and WE are gonna get through this together. Come on, let's go to bed."

The two laid face to face as Taylor wiped her wife's eyes. "I love you Karlie. Don't ever be afraid to talk to me, ok?"

"I won't. If Miss Simpson can see me at 10, would you like to come with me?"

"Only if you want me to."

"I want you to Taylor."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now