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Everyone made their way back to the resort and decided to take an evening swim.  Taylor hung out in the pool with Kariann and Kristine, watching Karlie and Austin doing cannonballs off the side. Taylor and Karlie couldn't keep their eyes off of each other, yet would turn their heads hoping not to get caught by the other.

Taylor enjoyed the entire night. This was the woman she loved more than anything and although she didn't spend much time with her wife on this trip, she was impressed with what Karlie did.

"Wanna feel the baby kick?" Taylor asked the two girls.

Both had huge smiles on their face as they felt Taylor's stomach.

"Awww, she stopped," Kristine said.

"Give her a minute. She'll start up again." Taylor replied but unfortunately, she didn't. "Hold on, watch this. HEY KAR, come here for a second."

When Karlie got over to her, Taylor said, "Talk to the baby, the girls want to feel the her kick."

Karlie placed her hand on Taylor's stomach, causing the singer to slightly jump to her touch.

"Hi bean. Are you gonna move around for your aunties? They can't wait to see you and give you hugs and kisses."

"Oh my God, she's kicking," Kariann said. "Keep talking Kar."

"I love you sweetheart and I can't wait to see you, neither can your mommy."

Taylor just watched as her love spoke to their unborn child. She loved these moments with her wife. She missed her so much but she knew that the space needed to happen and it proved to be a positive experience in the long run.

The family had one more day in Hawaii and decided to turn in for bed. They would be spending their final day together.

In the middle of the night, Karlie left her mother's room and went to her wife's bedroom. She knocked on the door lightly, not wanting to wake up the whole house. She didn't hear a response, so she opened the door slowly. Taylor was laying on her side, facing the door, sound asleep. The model walked over to her and kneeled on the floor, watching her sleep.

"Taylor, wake up." Karlie said in a whisper as she rubbed her wife's arm gently. The singers eyes began to flutter until they opened fully.

"Hey Kar. Are you ok?"


"What's the matter?"

"Baby, I miss you. I know I fucked up and I know you want space but I need you. It's a selfish thing to say, I know, but I don't want to lose you. You told me that I had a decision to make. Taylor, it's you. I want you, not anyone else. I know I hurt you and I don't blame you if you don't forgive me, but please don't leave me. I'll give you as much time as you need but please don't leave me forever. I'm a shitty person. I promised I'd never leave you and I did. And you'll probably never believe anything I ever say for as long as I live but spending time with those ladies made me realize how much you mean to me. I don't want to cause you hurt and pain. I'll do whatever I have to, to make this up to you. Even though you said you'd always give me a second chance, I know I don't deserve it. I just don't know what else I can do to fix what I've done. I'm just so sorry and I know you don't want an apology but I can't help it. I am so beyond sorry.

Tears were streaming down the models cheeks as Taylor sat up and wiped her wife's eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, Karlie. I am so proud of you taking the initiative to walk in my shoes. I've lived the entire time we've known each other, in fear. It was a fear of losing you. And that was because of my insecurities. You got a taste of what most of my life has been like, more importantly, you got to experience real pain at the thought of losing me. I do believe you when you tell me you love me and I know you're sorry. But I need you to know that I won't play this game with you anymore. I'll never leave you but that doesn't mean that your actions won't ever push me away. Only you will be able to force us into a separation or a divorce. I am completely committed to you and I love you."

Taylor leaned forward as she kissed her wife's lips. "You are my everything." Karlie whispered.

"And you're my everything too." Taylor responded.
"We just can't keep doing this."

The model nodded her head as she rose to her feet and turned to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Taylor asked.

"Back to my mom's room."

Taylor pulled the covers down on Karlie's side of the bed.

"Come on, you belong in bed with me."

The model got in bed and spooned her wife. "I love you Taylor."

"I know you do, I love you too Karlie.

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now