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Six days passed since the fight between Karlie and Taylor and nothing seemed any better from when they last met. Today the model has a meeting to meet with her divorce attorney. She had been given several papers with multiple questions for her to answer and bring with her. It was something that would ultimately help her attorney understand everything that was at stake, from money to real estate and of course, the baby.

Karlie sat in the large conference room waiting patiently for her attorney to come in. She was still pretty shaken up from the intense fight she had with her wife and yet, even though she had researched countless custody battles online and knew she had a very good chance of getting custody, she couldn't help but think that this wasn't what she wanted. She didn't want to fight for the baby, she wanted to raise her little one with her wife. The thought of going through with this divorce made her sick to her stomach. She hoped everyday that Taylor would change her mind but with all of the hurtful things Karlie said to her that night, she doubted that would happen.

Her attorney finally made his way into the room. He was an older gentlemen, in his early 70's. He was known as being extremely aggressive in the courtroom and had an impressive track record. He definitely wasn't one to be messed with.

"Hi Karlie I'm Richard Sutton, I reviewed your paperwork and will go over it with you again but I wanted to get a better idea of who you are, what you do and what you're looking to accomplish. Divorce is never easy and I'll be sure to answer all of your questions because I'm sure you have many. Right off the bat, I do want to let you know that even if there isn't a lot to divide, you're still looking at a minimum of one year before the divorce is finalized because NY is a 'no-fault' state. It's a little harder for people to get a divorce 'just because.' Certain criteria needs to be met. For instance, if one of you were serving time in prison of three years or more, if someone was guilty of cruel or inhuman treatment towards the other, if one of you abandoned the other for over one year, adultery being committed, among a few other reasons that don't apply to your situation. We'll need to know how Taylor filed (the specific reason), in order know how we will continue. In the meantime, I'm gonna go over the basics and answer as many questions as you have."

"Oh, wow. I thought it would be done in thirty days. Not that I want it anyway. I mean, one year....maybe I can win my wife back."

"Ahhh, so this isn't a mutual divorce?"

"Not at all. It's the absolute last thing I could ever possibly want."

"So, then tell me Karlie, why are you here?"

"Because I'm a jerk and broke my wife's trust by kissing a girl I knew and then keeping it from her for a while. And on top of that, when I did finally tell her, it was only after I made it seem as if her accusations were all in her head. Keep in mind that she's suffered from insecurities for most of her life, so, it just made her relive a lot of hurt. No matter what I do or say, she won't take me back. So, now I'm here."

"Ok, well I'm sorry to hear that. It's always easier when both parties agree that it's time to move on but when only one feels that way, it's never a good thing. Well, I'm going to make this as pain free for you as I possibly can. Now, I see in your paperwork that you have a nineteen month old little girl, Mikayla. Did you adopt her?"

"No. My egg was used and was implanted into Taylor for her to carry the baby."

"Good, so Mikayla is a direct blood relative to you and I see here that she was born when both you and Taylor were already legally married. So, you both signed the birth certificate, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok, well considering there was no surrogate and you were both legally married, you're both considered her legal parents, the same as if it was a heterosexual marriage. Now, you're both successful with steady income but we could still fight for child support and alimony."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now