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"HEY BABY, WE'RE HOME! Bean, go find mommy and give her a big hug and kiss."

Karlie removed the baby's snowsuit in the foyer and started to walk towards the kitchen. As she got closer she could see Taylor standing at the sink rinsing vegetables for dinner.

"Hi mommy."

"Hey sweetheart, I missed you. Did you have fun at mama's job?"

Taylor gave her daughter a big hug and kiss as Karlie grabbed a bottle of water. After Taylor put the baby down, Karlie walked over, her wife's smile disappearing almost instantly. The model smiled as she placed her hand on Taylor's waist and leaned in for a kiss. Not so much to her surprise Taylor turned her head, giving Karlie her cheek.

"Ouch, what was that for? You don't want me to kiss you?"

"What are you talking about? I'm giving you my cheek. It's the only place you've kissed me for the last, I don't know, fifteen days."

"Touché." Karlie replied. "Can I have a hug?"

"Hmmm, my hands are wet."

Karlie knew exactly what this was all about and was actually expecting it. As Taylor turned back to face the sink, the model placed her hands softly on her wife's waist and kissed the base of her neck. She felt Taylor tense up and knew she still had the magic touch.

"Well, I love you Tay. I'm gonna go get changed and go next door."

Taylor rolled her eyes at the fact that Karlie was going next door to paint but she did tell her that she loved her too.

"Bean, come with me so I can change your diaper."

The little one came running with the dogs following closely behind. As Karlie was changing the baby, she leaned down, kissing the bottom of her daughters feet as she laughed. "Why are you so cute? Mama could just eat you up. I have the prettiest little girl in the whole world and you're getting so big so fast."

"Mama down peese. Puppy."

"Noooo, stay with mama. Give me some love."

Mikayla stood up on the changing table and wrapped her little arms around Karlie's neck.

"I love you so much sweetheart."

"Wuv you mama."

"Mama is gonna get changed and then we'll go downstairs."

Karlie changed into leggings and a sports bra. She grabbed a baggy sweatshirt as well, but she didn't put it on just yet. She picked up her daughter and went back downstairs. Before going next door she decided to make a shake. She stood at the counter, right next to Taylor. She could see her wife glance over out of the corner of her eye, which made the model smirk. Karlie grabbed a cup, needing some water for the blender but rather than extending her arm in front of her wife, which would be easier, she stood behind her, leaning forward as she filled the cup. Her face was right against the side of Taylor's head and she could feel Taylor's breathing begin to change. "You smell so good. New shampoo?"

Taylor gathered herself together and snapped out of her trance before turning into a puddle of mush.

"No, it's not. It's the same one I've been using all month. By the way, your cup is overflowing."

She could feel Karlie's warm breath on the side of her neck and it sent shivers through her body.

Karlie pushed a strand of Taylor's hair back behind her ear as she commented on her earrings. "Are these new? They're really pretty."

"Uh...y-yeah." Taylor replied as her knees started to get weak and her nipples began to harden against her sweatshirt, since she wasn't wearing a bra. She quickly composed herself and said, "Can you back up? I have to get to the oven to roast these."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now