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Three weeks have passed and Karlie is still on her tour. She estimated that she had about another week or two to go but it's been really difficult on the two of them, especially Taylor. The singer extended her stay at her mom's house, but it hasn't been easy to care for both a new baby and her mother.

Andrea has been getting weaker as the days have gone by. She's becoming a little more forgetful and is having a difficult time keeping food down. Tracy calls her on a regular basis. The two of them have always had such a good relationship and have become really close friends over the last couple of years. So close, that Tracy is on her way to LA to care for Andrea. Scott isn't much of a cook and even though she's eating very little, Tracy wants to make sure that Andrea at least has something tasty. Plus, it'll give Scott a little break as well. Once she gets there, Taylor will be returning back to her home.

Karlie was back in her hotel and decided to give Lily a call.

"Hey Kar, how's France?"

"It's ok. I'm definitely homesick."

"I'm sure. I've talked to Taylor a few times and she's really missing you. I feel so bad for her. She has a lot on her plate with her mom and all, so it has to be rough."

"It really is. BUT....I'm coming home today and she has no idea. We finished up the tour and photo shoot early. Tay thinks I have another week or two, so she'll be really surprised. I want to take her away."

"Karlie, she is going to be sooooo happy. Where did you want to take her?"

"Well, I want to take her to Italy for a week but, I'm not so sure that's a good idea, with her mom being sick, plus I don't really want us to be that far away from the baby, so, I'm thinking of other possibilities."

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you bring Italy to LA?" Lily said. "You had such an amazing wedding. Why don't you contact the wedding planner and tell him what you want. I bet he'd be able to turn your vision into reality. You know how talented he is already. Call him. My babysitting services are available, by the way. Unless you guys want Selena to watch the baby, it's up to you. I know she's been hanging with Taylor a lot while you've been away."

"Lily, you're a genius. I'm gonna call him now. And no, Selena won't be watching Mikayla. I'm very particular about who watches her, so is Taylor. Right now, you're the only one we trust 100% with our daughter. I'm gonna make a few phone calls and then I'll call you back with the details."

"Alright, plan something amazing. Bye."

Karlie immediately placed a call to the wedding planner.

"Hi, may I speak to Jean Pierre please? This is Karlie Swift-Kloss.

"Just a minute..."

"Hello? Karlie?"

"Hi Jean Pierre. I have a huge favor to ask of you and I really hope you can pull it off."

"What did you have in mind, Karlie?"

"Well, I wanted to take Taylor on a surprise trip to Italy, but with the new baby, I didn't want to be that far away. I wanted to know if you could bring Italy to LA."

"Hmmm, when did you need this to happen?"

"Like tomorrow."

"TOMORROW???" Jean Pierre said as he followed it up with several words in French that Karlie wasn't too familiar with. "Exactly, what did you have in mind?"

"Well, when we went to Italy, there was a hotel and restaurant that we had heard about, the last day of our trip. I can't think of the name of it but the restaurant was built into a cave, overlooking the ocean."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now