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"Tay, will you please take that dumb hat off already?"

"You don't like my sombrero? I think it's cute. Besides, I wanted a souvenir."

"Most people get shot glasses or a t-shirt."

"Kar, why are you such a party pooper? Is it because I threw a fit about you wanting to get fireworks? I'm sorry but they're dangerous. They actually sold REAL fireworks. You could blow off a limb."

"Mmmhmm." The model replied.

"Why aren't you talking to me now? Kar? Karlie? What's the smirk for? You bought some, didn't you?"

Karlie couldn't hold back her smile any longer.
"Ok, yes. I bought some but not THAT many babe."

"Grrrrreat, now were transporting illegal fireworks, over state lines, which is a felony."

"Oh stop, worry wart." Karlie replied.

Karlie stood up and walked over to Jim. "When will be getting to the Outerbanks?"

"About three hours."

"Ok, thanks Jim."

Taylor was grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as Karlie walked by her and pinched her butt."

"Oww, what was that for?"

"You're cute when you're mad." Karlie said as she continued to the back of the RV.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm taking a nap. We still have three hours until we get to the Outerbanks. Want to join me?"

"No, I'm just gonna read a little."

"Ok." The model replied.

Karlie changed out of her jeans and sweatshirt and put on some cute pajama shorts and a tank top. She got into the huge king size bed and got comfy before her cell started to ring.

"Hey Lily. What's going on?"

"Hey Kar. Nothing much. I just wanted to see how you were doing with everything."

"It's been a little rough. I've been having nightmares pretty much every night. It's weird because if I nap during the day, I'm fine. But for some reason, nighttime has a weird effect on me. Maybe because it was an evening flight? I don't know. How about you?"

"For me it's panic attacks. It's crazy. Loud noises causes me to freak out. I even have flashbacks whenever I give Dixie a bath, to be surrounded by water. I just set up an appointment to see a therapist. My agency gave the ok for me to be out for six months. I have the option to go back sooner but I think I'll definitely take the entire time. How about you Kar?"

"I had the option to take as much time as I needed but instead, I asked if I could work in either LA or NY for right now because I'm terrified of having to get on a plane. So, right now Taylor and I are driving to NY. I'm taking two weeks off and then I'll just do shoots in NY for now."

"Karlie did you say DRIVING? You're driving to NY from Nashville, with Taylor?"

"Hahahahaha. Yeah. BUT, we bought an RV, so it's really comfortable. We're making stops along the way, to do a little sightseeing."

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now