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"Be a good girl for grandma, ok?"

"Nooo mommy, me come too peese." Mikayla said as she cried in her grandmothers arms, reaching for Taylor.

Taylor took her daughter and sat on the couch as Karlie slightly shook her head as she sat down next to them.

"Don't cry, sweetheart. Mama and I are gonna be back in ten days. You're gonna be with grandma, pop pop, uncle Austin, auntie Kimby AND baby Madison."

"Baby?" Mikayla said as she stopped crying and raised her head, as a couple of tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Yeah, you're gonna get to see the baby all the time."

"I kiss her mommy?"

"Of course you can. You can kiss her and show her your dolls."

"Pway toys?"

"Well, she's a little too small to play with your toys, but she can watch you play with them."

Austin came next door to say goodbye to the girls and asked Tracy if everything was ok. She filled him in as he nodded his head with a smile.

"Hey munchkin, how about we go and get your puppies and you can show them to Maddie." He said as Karlie mouthed, 'Thank you.'

That was music to Mikayla's ears. She quickly got off of Taylor's lap and grabbed her uncles hand, attempting to lead him to where the dogs were.

"Hey, do we get a hug and kiss first?" Karlie asked as she sat there with her arms extended.

Mikayla came running back and hugged both of them. "Wuv you mama. Wuv you mommy. Kiss too ok?"

The girls held the little one between both of them and as they each planted a bunch of kisses on both sides of her face, causing Mikayla to laugh hysterically.

"Ok ok." The baby said as Karlie put her back on the floor.

As soon as Mikayla was out of sight, Tracy quietly said, "You two better get out of here while she's distracted. She's in good hands, don't worry."

The girls hugged Tracy as they left the apartment and climbed in the SUV. As soon as they were on their way to the airport, Taylor began to cry while she looked out the window. Karlie slid over to her wife and wrapped her arms around her.

"What's the matter baby?"

"I miss her already. I don't think we should go, Kar."

"You don't want to go now?" Karlie asked in a disappointed voice.

"I mean, I do but I don't."

Karlie pulled away a little and just sat back as she rolled her eyes.

"Kar, please don't be upset with me. It's just that, I don't want..."

Before she continued, Karlie just cut her off. "Jim, can you take us back home please?"

Taylor didn't dispute Karlie's request. Infact, she knew it was best to just stay silent because she knew her wife was annoyed.

They returned to the house twenty minutes later as Karlie grabbed their two bags and headed into the house.

"Hi mama."

"Hi bean."

Karlie placed the bags down at the door and headed to the kitchen.

"Umm, why are you back already? Tracy asked.

The model took a deep breath as she rolled her eyes and said, "Taylor missed Mikayla and didn't want to leave her. So, here we are."

"Oh." Tracy said quietly. She didn't elaborate on her thoughts because it wasn't her place to do so. She just continued making her tea as Mikayla and Taylor were sitting in the living room.

You Belong To Me- Part 2 (KAYLOR)Where stories live. Discover now