He can't know!

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Star Pov
I went to school alone because Marco was sick, which is rare because he's always super healthy but I just went..as I went to my locker Jackie approach me with a smile of hers (god she's perfect, no wonder Marco likes her) "Hey star, where's Marco?" What does she want with Marco? "Home, sick why you ask?" She tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and blushed a little

"If I tell you will you tell him?" I nodded "Sure why not? Go on and tell me.." I said smiling "Well..I wanted you to tell him that I like him" and with that my heart sank "Oh..you want me to tell him that you like him? Great.." I said kinda hurt and jealous almost "Yeah, could you after school?" "Yeah..totally" she smiled and walked off and I slammed my locker

What does she have to like him now?! I was going to tell him how I feel about him..what am I going to do?
After school I rushed upstairs to Marco's room and gave him his missing assignments "Hey bestie! How you feeling?" He smiled and sat up "Feeling better, did you bring me my school work?" I nodded and gave it to him "Yeah, I asked Ferguson to take you notes because I get easily distracted.." He chuckles "Yeah I know, anything else happened while I was out?" Should I? No I'm not "Nope nothing else!" He looked at me weird "Um..okay sure"

I bit my wand and watched him "Star? Did you need something?" I jumped "No! I was just wondering.. Do you need or want anything?" "Can you bring me soup and crackers?" I nodded "Yeah..got it!" I ran out his room and went to the kitchen "Okay star keep it together, you can tell him or don't but then Jackie would go up to us tomorrow.. Man um I can just take Marco with me and avoid her all day, yes that's it"

I laughed at my plan and got him the soup and crackers "Marco! I made you the soup and got you crackers.." He chuckled "Thanks star, your the best" I blushed and sat next to him "You okay star? Acting kinda funny?" I was thinking of something "Yeah..I'm totally fine, just remembering something I was supposed to do" (Yeah tell Marco Jackie likes him) "Shut up brain!" "Um..Star? What did your brain said?" "To go eat something" he looked down at his plate "Here take a cracker" I took it and took a bite, man its killing me..

•The next day•

When we arrived at the school, Jackie was seen at all, which is great now I feel better knowing she's not here today "Star..what gives? Your acting kinda funny? And yesterday too?" I sigh "I'll explain later, let's get to class?" He nodded and we entered the classroom and Jackie was sitting at her desk and I pulled Marco out the room "We can't go in there!" "Why not? Is oskar in there finally?" I nodded my head

"No..um the room has people coughing and sneezing and you just got better! Let's go this way!" He stopped and grabbed my shoulders "What's going on Star? I'm your best friend..you can tell the truth" his expression soften and I sigh (there goes my heart) "Marco, yesterday when you were out Jackie told me that she likes you, but I was hurt and mad that I didn't tell you because I like you.."

I held my arm and avoided eye contact "Star..why didn't you just tell me that you liked me I could've understand?" I raised an eyebrow, I just said that Jackie likes him and it didn't faze him "Marco? Didn't you just hear what I said? Jackie likes you!" He chuckles "So? I like you more" I blushed and could feel my heart pounding "So you like me like that?" "Yeah..I kinda gave up on Jackie when we almost died at the castle, I care more about you then her" he tucked my hair behind my hear and grabbed my face and kissed me..best Friday ever!

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