Stella the matchmaker

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Marco Pov
I stir in my bed and stretch my body as I open my eyes a see a tiny child and I scream and fall down and get up "What the heck?!" She was gone..where did she go? I rush downstairs and see Star in her pjs and looks annoyed with a small child that kinda looks like her

"Star who's that?" She yawns and stands up "This is Stella, my cousin Stella this is my best friend Marco" she giggles and smiles at me "I know who he talk in your sleep-" star covered her mouth and blushed a little "What's she talking about?" "Nothing, kids say the darnest things" she said giving me a smile "Okay..why are you here Stella?" She hopped off the couch and wrapped her arms around my legs,

didn't realize how small she is "Well..auntie moon said I could stay a couple days with cousin Star and to know how earth cultures are" I smile at her "Okay..I can't help but sat this, you Stella are one cute little kid" she giggled and Star looked annoyed and mad "Yeah she's cute and adorable but be warned! She's evil" I chuckle at how silly that sounds "Star she's harmless, look at this face" I say picking her up "I've seen things Marco, all kinda things from that!" She said pointing at her "Okay Star, well I'm gonna get ready be back soon" I went upstairs and left the girls downstairs..

Star Pov
I cross my arms as soon as Marco left and glared at Stella "I'm watching you, you might have him fooled but I know your plan" Stella giggles "What do you ever mean, I'm just a sweet little girl and he's pretty cute why don't you date him already? Since you talk about him in your sleep"

I blush and sigh "Stella, you better not tell him I like him, I don't want to ruin anything between us" she nods "Sure, but I can't promise I say anything..can we go to Marco, he's really fun to mess with" I roll my eyes "Yeah we gotta wait for him, did you bring clothes for today?" She nods and pulls my arm to my bedroom and takes out her suitcase from under the bed and took an outfit that looked cute

"So..cousin star what made you like him?" I shrugged "What do you mean?" "Like is there something he did or do that made you start liking him?" I sat down near her and she climbed on my lap "I don't know, I just like the way he is with me, so caring and thoughtful, he understands me, he is there for me.." I didn't realize I had a tear roll down my face "Did that answer your question?" As I wiped my face "Why don't you tell him?" I shake my head "I can't, he isn't into me like that and beside he has eyes for another girl"

Stella gave me a look and ran towards my door "Stella? Where are you going?" I got up quickly and I hear giggles fr downstairs as I ran and almost fell down I see Marco playing around with her "Up goes Stella" I smirked, maybe I was wrong of calling her evil "Again Marco, again!" Marco did it again and she was laughing and she kissed his cheek and I got a little jealous I admit, but she's just a kid and won't try to get me mad

"Aw thanks for the kiss on my cheek Stella, I'll return it back" as Marco was inches from kissing her cheek I ran in the middle and he kissed my lips and we both blushed red "Star?!" We both just stare at each other and Stella smirks "Well tell him or I'll tell him" he looked at Stella and then me "What's she talking about?" I sigh and back up a bit "Marco..I like you and I..I didn't know how to tell you because you still like Jackie?"

He avoided looking at me and sigh "Star..look I like you, I was just surprised you kissed me like that" I giggled "Sorry, so you like me like that?" He nods "Yeah, I should've told you sooner, and I heard you earlier with Stella, and you know I'll always be there for you no matter what" I smiled and hugged him "Hugs!" He chuckled and hugged back

"My work here is done, bye guys see you again soon" Stella cut a portal "What? Was this your plan the whole time?" She nods "Yeah, your mom told me to help you be with the earthling, take chances star, that's what auntie moon said, anyways bye!" She waved and disappear "She is kinda evil, should've listened to you" I smirked and pulled Marcos face for another kiss...thanks Stella

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