We're Alike in Ways

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Info: something star thinks about or dreams about..her future basically so its gonna be short I could tell by the way I'm gonna write it (Takes place after Baby ep.)

Word count:665

Star pov
After Marco gave me a hug I kept thinking, what I did to be able to pass even if I failed terribly because I wasn't focused or I relied in my old spellbook to help? After Marco helped me clean up the mess the last thing in my room was the tree, I had to get ride of it because it's right in the middle of my room and it looks weird having a plant inside a house "Well I'm gonna wash the dishes, anything else you need help?" I looked at Marco who held on the empty bowls and plates "No, I got this" he smirks and leaves me alone, as i touch the tree I wonder what made her change her mind..

As I placed my head I felt something run through me, as i stepped back I was back in my head in the Grandma Room, I looked around and saw everything looked to be the same "Why am I here?" I walked around and noticed Eclipsa portrait was gone?

But why? As I turn I see her standing looking at me with a small smirk "Hello" she said and I'm a little cautious "Don't worry I won't hurt you I promise you" I didn't have my wand with me

"Do you know who I am?" I nodded a little uneasy about this "Yes, You were Queen Eclipsa, you ran off and married a demon" she giggles and walks towards me as I stay in place "You know, me and you are alike" I riased a brow at her

"What? No we're not, we are far beyond that..I'm good your evil, you left your own kingdom" "So did you" i was slightly confused "I was sent away, i didnt leave my kingdom..i need to control my wand first" she smiles and looks at me

"You were like me scared, alone, rejected..rebellious" she walked around looking at me with a grin "No wonder your mother is so afraid you'll turn out like me" I shake my head ignoring her lies! "I'm not like you! I'll never be like you ever!" She looks at me with her dark beating eyes as it scares me

"Star Butterfly..you are the only one who can change the future..I know your not evil but your emotions are all out of control, if you feel anger or jealousy you're using dark magic..when your happy or bubbly it's pink..but using it both you can create something wonderful"

she whispers in my ear as I look down at my feet "how do I control them? I can't do this alone" "You know how..your soon to be queen..would you rather be perfect or unique? Polite or wild? Bored or happy?"

I didn't know whatnot how to feel! If course I want to be the queen my mother wants me to be but..I'm not like her, I'm wild and loud, I can't keep myself collected when something amazing is happening...I like to rebel and have fun doing it that way..

"So what's it going to be? Rebel Princess or Polite Proper Princess?" I stayed silent as I see move away and wait for my answer "I don't know? I still have time before I go back home" she laughs "That's cute..you're leaving soon don't take too long my dear.."

she disappeared and I woke up on the floor of my bedroom, I looked around and the tree was gone as I rubbed my head Marco comes in "Hey, are you okay?" I nodded "Yeah..it was harder than I thought" we giggle a bit and he hands me half a sandwich "Here" I take the piece and look at it and thinking of her..

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