Writing prompt #11

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Title: Safe heaven away from you

Requested, hello everyone I got a late night request from a follower and decided to write it for her so I hope you enjoy it..×chehirotanaka

Info: Star is in a relationship with Tom but after a year and half Tom gets aggressive or possessive whenever She goes out with friends especially with Marco, what happens when things turn sour?

Word count: 1164

Song: DNA- Little Mix

3rd Pov

Star always loved spending time with her quirky best friend Marco, way before she was in a relationship with Tom, the two were inseparable until one eventful day when star almost fell onto the busy streets almost getting hit by cars, that day she was saved by Tom..she thought she met the love of her life and she believed it until her best friend noticed his weird behavior but star didn't mind one bit of it because she was swooning over the man that saved her life..

Fast forward through a year and things started to change and it wasn't in a good way, whenever star would like to go out with her friends she would have to tell Tom and if she lied Tom would drag her home by her wrist causing purple and blue bruises, she hid it from family and friends so no one would worry but it never passed her best friend Marco, who she sees only on Sunday nights whenever Tom is at work

"You don't deserve this..he's not right for you Star, the moment he caught you I saw he was no good" Star didn't want to admit it but her best friend was right, she was just blinded by his sweet smile which haunts her in her dreams or nightmares

"I can't leave him..he won't let me" Marco hated Tom with every inch of his body, he didn't like how close he always kept the bubbly blonde close or the way he kept whispering threats or rude remarks whenever she was around him, once Star told Marco to leave her alone because Tom didn't approve of him, that's a very controlling boyfriend if I say so myself.

Marco always tried helping her with words to dump the brute but Star couldn't she wasn't the type of person who would yell back whenever she was upset or anything really, she kept quiet and cried whenever she was alone or near friends, Marco even asked to get police involved but she told him it was worse but what is worse?

Months and months go on and Star haven't seen her family or friends thanks to Tom, she tried to leave him but he would always persuade her to stay and like a love sick fool she did but it was wrong. One night Tom was out of town and she was free for a whole day the first person she went to was Marco, she trusted him more than anything in the world.

When she arrived she immediately ran into his arms and cried and Marco brought her inside and held tight, Marco always cared about the blonde but he wouldn't admit that he was in love with her, he liked her when they were kids living next door to each other and now older and still having those strong feelings for her "You have to leave him, I'm not gonna watch you get destroyed by a brute who doesn't know how to keep his anger in check" star nods and stays in his arms not wanting the warmth or protection leave her side

"Okay.." was all she said, she wanted this to end and be free from her prison, in reality she wanted Marco, it may seem cliche but she always knew Marco was the one for her even in their teen years, but she never interfere when Marco was with his first girlfriend, of course it hurt her but seeing how happy he was at the time it didn't matter..

As the day turn to night things were becoming a little steamy when Marco slowly pulled star closer to him for a sweet and tender kiss, it made him feel at peace but he knew he won't pass further unless she wanted to, Star didn't care or even felt it was wrong, she needed this to keep her mind off the horrible things happening in her home,

she slowly roams his body and feeling every inch of him as the space between them close, she felt at bliss when they ended up together tangled with the white sheets, she could hear his heart beating at a steady pace and made her relax, as Marco looked at her bruised wrist he left kisses knowing she will be his and won't stand down anymore..

When it finally the time for Star to leave Tom for good she brought Marco for support and her cousins to keep her safe "Tom, we need to break up" star said a little shaky at first but kept a serious look "Why? We're fine starship, I love you don't you love me?" Tom gave her the look that always brought her back to him but Marco held her from falling into his tricks "Star" Marco whispered and she sigh and looked at Tom

"I don't love you anymore..I don't want to live like this anymore not able to see my friends or family, please let me go" star was in tears as Tom kept a rather irritated look as he looked at Marco who gave him the same look "It's because of him! Isn't it?! You love him and was cheating behind my back!" "No! She doesn't deserve you monster, she's not a pet nor a toy to have for your pleasure, she's a human being, she can love whoever she pleases, not necessarily me!"

The boys were throwing insults at each other until Tom threw the first punch, both boys tangled and fighting to which their faces had been bruised or had blood coming from it, that's when police officers came and separated the two, letting Marco go and taking Tom into the station for his crimes..

After a year of all the events star was married to her best friend, the one that kept her safe who treated her the way she should've been treated, now expecting their first child Star remembers the memories she shared with Marco when they were younger to now "What are you thinking?" Marco says as he wraps his Hans onto her enormous belly "Us, you were always there" as the two shared a loving kiss everything drifted away as it became a distant memory..

A/n  Also if you or a loved one ever been in a situation like this please tell someone before it gets worse, I had my cousin been in a awful relationship and if her brother didn't step him shots would've been fired, don't keep to yourself go and tell someone to help you..

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