Well Played..

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Finally a New One Shot, yeah been awhile to say the least, enjoy it 😘😏

Marco Pov
I lay on stars floor while she lay next to me playing with her hair or my hands, she would giggle when she moved my hands in a certain way and I just smile, it was normal of us to be close like this, we're friends nothing more, sometimes we talk about how things could've turned out and make up stories and laugh at how terrible it would sound afterwards "Marco what if my hands were tiny and your hand can cover it like nothing?"

I chuckle "Star I think you would look very odd with tiny hands, hehe your so weird" she giggled and put her legs up and she would reach for them, she didn't care what was around her or us for that matter as she was playing around I sat up and she did as well "Hey, where you going?" I stretch my arms and yawn "Bed it's kinda getting late, I'll see you tomorrow in the morning, night Star"

as I tried to stand up star pulled my sleeve "Can you braid my hair before you go?" I smile and nodded "Sure let me change and I'll come back" "Alright see you in a few" as I walk out I smile, she loves it when people play with her hair or even do it for her, it was one of those days when you have no idea what to do with your hair so you play with it..

I return back a few minutes later and Star was in her night gown and her hair down and she handed me her brush and comb and we sat on her bed, it was quiet for a few minutes until she broke it "So..what do you think might happen tomorrow at school?" What an odd way to start a conversation "I don't know, the usual I guess, boring classes and then go home have some random adventure and go to bed like always" she giggled and I ran through her hair getting rid of knots and tangles "Your right, life got boring after my wand exploded at the castle" "Yeah..but it's fun just talking to you"

I say and I kind blush a bit hopefully she doesn't see "Oh yeah..same" after taking the knots and tangles I started to braid her hair and in no time I was done "Finished, how's it look" she smiles and hugs me "Thanks, goodnight Marco sweet dreams" she pulls away from the hug "You too" the next day we got up and went to school and we talked about random things and Star started taking off the braid while we walked, she liked how the braid leaves her hair wavy and full of volume

"Hey Marco there's Jackie" star says as she fixes her hair band and I look and I see Jackie and she rides by and says hi and I return it back, I'm getting no where with her and I think I'll never will "You okay? You weren't like your happy self when you say hi to her?" I looked at Star and she looked worry and I got lost in her sapphire eyes and I kinda blush and face away from her

"Yeah. I'm fine just tired that's all" she smiles and we walk into class I take my seat and Star takes her and she starts doodling on her desk or her little sketch book I got her so she doesn't keep drawing on school property, as I look forward people start to fill the classroom and I noticed a lot of guys keep saying hi to her, but not like the entire class and it makes me kinda mad or jealous, wait am I jealous? Why would I be, it's just a waste of time..but it's Star? I shake that thought and put my head down and look at her and she's smiling and talking to guys that pass by. Ugh this is bothering me..

Star Pov
As we sat down I could have sworn I saw Marco blush before we entered class, it could be about Jackie but he didn't really seem happy though? Was it because of me? It can't be, can it? As I was going to speak to Marco these guys came around me and started talking to me, I was confused but flattered 'Star your so pretty today' "Aww thanks" I smile and I kept getting more and more comments, man I didn't know having my hair wavy would have so many guys around me, I giggle at them and they went and sat down and as I turn Marco had his head down, something is up with him and I want to help..

After class we walked to art which is my favorite class, I get to draw what I want for a grade, it's the only class I'm doing well in and that's improvement over the past months "Hey Marco you okay?" As I felt his neck making him jump a little "Ah..star I'm fine" I pout "You didn't seem fine last class" I say holding my sketch book Marco made me "I'm just one of those moods, it'll pass" he got his stuff out and so did I, I sat near the window and Marco near me but across from me and I took small glances,

he looked so cute when he was focused..whoa calm yourself Star, that's Marco your talking about..I messed up on my drawing and groan "Perfect.." I throw my pencil and pout for a few and then go get my pencil back and fix my mistake, I couldn't focus because everytime I looked over at Marco he would lose a piece of clothing, hey not like that..he took off his hoodie, then his gray shirt and now he has on his white under shirt..he has paint on his hands and some on his arms, he was working on a replica of the house since I changed it when I made my bedroom...I shake my thoughts and finish my drawings..

After class we walk out and go home..I just couldn't help but take glances at him and he would chuckle "Why do you keep looking at me Star?" He said stopping in the middle of the hall "I don't know, something is up with you!" I say and blush a bit "Are you sure it's not you?" He said smirking and made me flustered up "Oh shut..oh!" "Star!" I slipped but I didn't land on the cold ground, no I landed in my best friends arms and got lost in his chocolate eyes "Star..you okay?" I didn't even hear what he was saying  "Huh?" He smiled "I said you okay?" I grabbed his arm and stood up straight "Yeah, thanks for saving me"

I haven't let go of his hand and he didn't seem that it bothered him so I took my advantage and interlocked them and his face turned red and I giggle "Marco Diaz, you sir have a crush on your best friend" he pulls me close to his face "I may have a crush on you, but you Star butterfly have a crush on your best friend" I blush "I may what are you gonna do about it?" We were getting closer with each sentence "I don't know, want me too.." "Too..kiss me?" I whisper inches away from his lips and I see he closed his eyes and I back away "It's not that easy..nice try though"

he laughed and grabbed me into a hug and made me laugh "You tricked me, I looked like an idiot just standing there waiting to kiss you..I'll get you" I roll my eyes "Sure you will" as we walked home side by side Marco stayed quiet, he's probably thinking of a plan, I shouldn't wait for it, I know his plans too well "When we get home I'm gonna watch some TV" he stayed silent and I poked his cheek "Hello? Earth to Marco?" He still stayed quiet and I pout and out of no where he kisses my pout face and my face turns red and he laughs "Point..Diaz told you I'll get you" he walked inside and he left me out standing like an idiot "Well played.."

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