Magicians Au (3)

820 41 6

Title: Enemeies or Friends

Info: Marco is looking for answers why star is so cold towards him and keeping things away from him and everyone else, but will it cause him his life?

Word count:1960
Song: shadows

Marco pov
All night I started tampering with my wristband to increase my acceleration spell but I could probably be caught or even worse be thrown out just like before. Star is a strange girl, so serious and doesn't really show real emotions like she's a robot?

But then I could tell she has way more power then the rest of the people in her council, there's no match for her except that guy that's always looking at me the wrong way

"His grey eyes glaring at me, warning me to stay away from her but I couldn't she was assigned to me and I must listen, can't go back on the officers and presidents wishes can I?"

As continuously fix my powers and spells I had a slight thought what Star is or could be? Having that much power in a school of magic isn't normal at all, she can be used as a weapon of some sort? I started looking up information on the Butterfly name..I need answers. As i scrolled down pages and pages I found some information

'S-018 or know as Star Adeline Butterfly born from Moon and River Butterfly, has a unique power she has yet to discover. Moon is the 8th powerful magician who can cause total destruction if not collected, but the only thing that has kept her neutral was her spell she casted when she had Star. Yet she served on enemy lines from dark magicians she wouldn't dare go and ruin her family name, for her daughters sake. Star Adeline Butterfly is the same but has more potential of becoming a dark magician then a good one'

I step back a bit, was she really that powerful that she could be evil in just a snap? Who is the darkest magician? I kept looking until a photo of woman appeared

'Eclipsa, Queen of darkness none should compare to her power even if they one knows where she's gone but people say she ran off with a dark Lord and never returned. If anyone could beat her it would be the new generation'

this actually worried me, what if star turned her back on me or the school? Will everything seem to exist afterwards and whatnot? I turn off my screen and head to bed.

The next morning I walked to school a little tired though "Hey Marco!" I stop in my tracks as I see Jackie again, I stop and wait for her to catch up "Morning Jackie" she smiles as we started walking "So I assume training is going well for you?"

I kept thinking of Star but I had to stop "Yeah, I'm getting better at it..hey can I ask you something?" She nods "Of course" I tried to explain but nothing came out "Your aura is sending worried vibes, is something bothering you" she can sense aura that's pretty neat

"Well, that guy who's always behind you and the president? Who is he and why does he glare at me when I'm with Star?" She smiles while she held her hands in front of her "That's T-066 or Tom Lucio he is our Sport adviser and also was Stars ex boyfriend so I assume he doesn't like the fact your all over Star"

I rolled my eyes and scuff "He doesn't need to worry about that, me and star aren't really each others type, she's too serious and doesn't really have fun" Jackie stops in her tracks "She has a reason to, but I'm not going to go into detail into her life. She'll tell you when you earned her trust"

now Jackie was being serious? What the actual hell is going around in this school "Does everyone know her secrets?" Jackie nods as she continues walking "What is she? A Alien or something? Or bio-weapon of some sort?" Jackie stopped

"I'm not allowed to say, ask her yourself I can't risk her getting upset with me" Jackie ran off as we made it to the entrance, as i rub my eyes I see the blonde beauty herself in two pigtails with a giant curl at the end "Morning Ms Butterfly" she smirked and stopped walking "Good morning what's wrong?"

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