Last day of Starco Week

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Last day: I don't remember? Writing prompt of goodbyes

A couple days ago~~~

Marco Pov
I gave star on last hug, I didn't want her to go but she had no choice, as we said our goodbyes her mother stood in front of me and glared at me "Thank you for keeping her safe, you weren't that bad Marco, but I'm sorry I must do this" I gave her a confused look "What do you mean?" She snapped her finger and stars spell book came in between us "I must say a spell that erase any trace that Star has been here, meaning all the memories and adventures you two have shared, I'm sorry Marco but it's for the best for Star and for your world"

I didn't like the idea of that, I had so many wonderful memories with her and I didn't want that to disappear "Can you put a spell on me that would allow me to remember star only in my dreams, that's all I ask from you" she smiled a bit and nodded "As you wish, before I do here" she gave me a bracelet and I looked at it

"What is it?" She handed me a note "It is from Star, she wanted me to give this to you, as a memento from her being your best friend" I smiled "I'll never take it off" she nods and starts saying the spell "I'm gonna miss you Star" as I closed my eyes the memory was fading away...

I opened my eyes and looked around, why was I on the ground in front of my house? I get up and see my parents coming down the stairs and they were themselves, as I was about to go upstairs I heard a knock and I opened the door and see Jackie "Hey..Jackie what's-" she cut me off with a kiss and I pulled her closer as we stopped she smiled at me "I wanted to ask you out?" I blushed and nodded "Definitely.." as the days went on, I was feeling great, I had my dream girl, everything was turning better for me, but I still felt this emptiness inside me..

"Marco! I'm so glad to see you!" A random girl hugged me and I blushed a bit because it felt familiar somehow but I pushed her away which I earned a look from her "Um do I know you?" She looked hurt and tried to smile but it was turning into a frown "I haven't seen you around and I gotta get to my girlfriend" she looked like she was on a verge on tears I soften my expression "It's me Star? The exchange student that stayed at your house for a long time? We went on wild adventures and I saved you? You don't remember me?"

I shook my head, if I remembered her I would've know but I never seen this girl before but when she hugged me it felt familiar "No, I'm sorry I gotta go" as I walked away I saw my girlfriend and kissed her quick "Hey Jackie" "Hey, who's that?" I look behind and saw her leave with her head down

"A girl that claims she knows me, I have no idea who she is" she chuckles and we continued but through it all my mind kept going to the random hugged, she looked pretty I won't lie about that, she looked like she liked the dangerous life which is opposite of me but she reminded me of someone in my dreams, the mystery girl I talk to every night in my sleep, Jackie doesn't even know I dream of a different girl "Hey Marco, what's wrong?" I sigh "I met got hugged by a random girl and she was saying I knew her and we did all types of stuff but I haven't seen her in my life! Did we have an exchange student named Star?" She shakes her head "Nope, I don't recall and we had many" I knew it

"Well thanks, I'll be in my room" she nods and I run upstairs and enter my room and I jump when I see the girl from earlier "Whoa! Where or how did you get in my room?!" She pushed me against my closed door and I blush a bit, it kinda excited me a bit as I look at her she's blushing and hesitate "Why don't you remember me?" She looked at me and had tears run down and I felt bad, she obviously knew me but I didn't "I'm sorry, but I've never seen you in my life"

she cries and leans and kissed me, my eyes went wide but I felt a sensation going through my body and as I looked at her I smiled and she looked confused, it was star butterfly, my best friend, my partner in crime, my other half, the ying yang, I started to giggle and cry "I've missed you Star" a smile grew on her face and she embraced me screaming in joy and I spun her around, as I stopped I cupped her beautiful face and kissed her again, she means the world to me "I was so afraid that you wouldn't remember me..what happened?" I barely know

"You left and your mother cast a spell over the city to erase their memory of you, including me but I only saw you in my dreams, that's why your touch felt familiar" she sigh "So, I kissed you and reversed the spell?" I shrug And we ran downstairs and saw my parents "Hello Star nice seeing you again, are you here for Marco?" Star ran into their arms and I joined in but as we did a portal opened and star's mom stepped out and looked annoyed "Star, what have you done?"

She stood up to her which I've never seen "Bring back the person I love, mother why would you do the kind erase spell, you know how much Marco means to me, he's my everything" she gave me a smile which I returned back "Star, nobody should know your existence" "I don't care! Let me do this, I don't need to be controlled for the rest of my life, I can live on my own! Mother I love you and all but let me keep this, he means a lot to me" her mother looked at me and her

"Fine..I'll allow it, I'm proud of you" she stepped back to her dimension and Star was going next "Well, I guess I'll visit you" I nodded "Yeah, see you tomorrow" she ran into my arms and hugged me and I held tight "I love you safe kid" I smiled "I love you Star" as she stopped she waves and leaves and my mom comes by me "So, are you two a thing now?" I nodded "Yeah...we are"

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