Magician Au (Part 2)

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So I decided to continue this little serious on here instead of a full fledged book? So all I know my limit on this book is 200 parts after that I might have to write a second Starco Trash book ☺
Anyways this part is mostly about star and her past or secrets since many of you were like what is her secret?

Title: We're Magicians not lovers- Hidden Secrets part 2

Word count: 1554
Song: titanium

Star pov
I woke up thinking of Marco, he just wanted answer who can blame him but no one should really get into my personal life especially people like him "Star time for school" silas said as I was dressed in my uniform and tied my hair into two pigtails "Alright"

I walked towards my ride  and got in and kept my mind clear away from yesterday's events, I shouldn't have invited him but then again he intrigued me "Ms Butterfly we have arrived" I nodded and hopped out and walked slowly towards the school as I stepped foot I felt a presence but I knew who it was

"Morning Marco" he stepped in front of me as he held a confused look "I don't remember walking home after training" I smirked and kept walking "Nonsense, you were tired and decided to go home I didn't stop you"

he smirked as he looked down at my body making me feel uncomfortable "May I help you, your making me feel uncomfortable"

he had a cheeky smirk "A body like yourself shouldn't be hidden" he walked off the opposite direction and I stopped in my tracks

"What?!" I heard his chuckle and I held myself closer, did he peep on me yesterday? What a giant perv! I groan and head towards my classes.

After a few classes I head towards the training room where I see Marco practing his kombat moves along with Jackie Lynn Thomas, vice president of the student council "Nice, morning Star seems your task was showing me what he can do"

I nodded watching his move as he kept his focus "Yeah, he had a rough start yesterday but he seems better" she nods and leaves a few minutes after "I like her, unlike you she's nice and she's more important than you"

I chuckled "Please J-145 doesn't have the skills I have, also she's a lower rank than me, which is 6 and it's not high" Marco smirks "Why are you getting defensive? Did I hurt your feelings?" I glared at him as I use a spell to freeze him in place

"No, I just hate how everyone appreciates her work over mine even though I'm a higher rank.." I felt a slight pain in my chest feeling the jealousy run through me "Oh I forgot, I froze you"

I let him go and he takes a deep breath "Are you trying to kill me?" I shook my head "I was merely just putting you in your place, now we have work to do"

After hours of training Marco was doing better, but still not in control of his magic like he's supposed to "I might need to upgrade my wristband, the codes are all messed up and I can't pin point the direct attack"

I raised a brow at him "Tampering with your equipment, it's against regulations" he rolled his eyes "relax I would never use it in school or anything It just makes me feel better and faster, I gotta ask how do you move so fast? What acceleration spell do you use?"

I giggled and walked by him "I can't say, it's a family secret" he sighs as he grabs his things "Are all butterfly secretive?" I stood in place as I lowered my head "Most, it's better to keep it that way for a reason"

I could hear Marcos thoughts as he had millions of questions he wanted to ask me but he couldn't "Walk me home" asked quietly and he nods "Sure"

After we leave school grounds it was silent until he spoke "Why did you want me to walk you home?" I stayed silent as we kept walking "I need an answer, like I don't mind but it was odd seeing as you have drivers and such"

I giggled and stopped "Well, I rather walk with a person I have to get used to before you disappear after graduation, wouldn't you like to do the same?" He nods slightly "So do you have fun?" I raised a brow at him "Fun? Such as?"

He steps in front of me and starts listing various of things but I pay no attention to it since I don't really go out knowing my condition "We should go to the movies or something" I gasp a bit a little unsure "Like a date?!"

He shook his head "Not a date! Just friends duh, what did I say I don't see us in that way..unless your having second thoughts" Marco said with a smile plastered on his face 

"As if, but I can't go out at night" he sighs "Maybe afternoons we could go eat or shop or something" I nod smiling a bit "Sounds better, thanks for walking me home"

as I walked towards my house Marco pulled my arm "Thanks for the training today, see you tomorrow" I smile as he jogged off, I watched as he took off and I slowly walked inside feeling weird all of sudden

"Star is that you?" Mother is home? That's strange "Yes, your home which is surprising" mother nods but not before she gives a look of annoyance "Yeah, the meeting was too much for me so left also I heard silas say you brought a boy home and he wandered into the family portrait room"

I nod feeling guilty "Yes but I erased his memory of even entering the room" mom sighs "No one should know our secrets, especially yours" I sigh while mom holds my face

"Mom, it's becoming constant now since I was 14" mom nods "I know I went through it before but trust me you'll have control over it soon" I hope she's right as enter the room where mother checks my progress I couldn't concentrate because I wondered what could happen

"Star you need to relax as I scan you" I sigh and take a deep breath. As i take my robe off I lay down on the bed and close my eye thinking of something different "Scanning complete" mother said as I got off and covered myself and checked the moniter

"Your levels are reaching to the breaking point, your using way too much" I groan knowing i could potentially burn out "But I won't" I said mother looked concerned

"Star, we don't want to risk our secret to be out, our name isn't in a good place especially from your 5th great grandmother Eclispa, her powers exceeding to the point where it was just pure darkness"

I hated how it ran in my bloodline, whenever I'm angry or jealous the dark magic comes out and I have to control myself "But I'm not her, I'll never be her" I said sternly "Of course not but I'm just earning you" I shake my head "I'm going to practice my magic, please don't disturb me"

I practiced my targets and lowered my power but it was still too much to use "Damn, it's too much" as I stopped I went to my bedroom and get ready for bed but I couldn't my body felt hot and I screamed in pain knowing it was my condition..I always cry when I go back, this isn't normal but it's in my bloodline "It hurts"

Since I was 14 I had this ability to be this creature and I was terrified that I would kill someone because I wasn't myself even I try to think clear I could never be in control. My mother always told me to practice meditation but it barely works seeing as crave for dark magic.

Mother never had this issue, her creature was always in her power and never went against her wishes, but for me it was the opposite..I will always have to train harder and focus more so I don't be evil or have dark magic consume me but it's hard knowing no one else has what I do except my mother.

I just watch as the creature flew around the bedroom and stay put, sometimes I can control it but other times I can't and it does whatever it wants. As the time strikes midnight I go back to my normal form, dazed and confused not remembering what I did or done. I finally get some sleep before I have to wake up for school, no one knew this not even Tom even if we grew up together..

I woke up to my alarm blaring and I set it off and get ready, feeling my back for my wings. They itch when I hide them away but I don't have anything to make them go away "5 more minutes before we take off Ms Butterfly" "Yes Silas, be there in a few" as I looked at myself I see dark circles and worry lines something a heiress shouldn't have "Time for school"

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