Starco videos!

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Cause I got nothing to write at the moment for a one shot so decided to find videos instead

Don't worry I'll get to the writing soon and please be patient with me because I'm trying the best I could and I appreciate it if some of you don't threaten me to write something that I can't do on command. Anyways that's all and enjoy the vidoes 💕

I love this video so much lol

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Also before I forget I had some question from people in my instagram I'll's more or the same lol

Q: Why do you look so beautiful on your instagram?

~ I don't know? I just look like me lol nothing special

Q: Are you ever gonna update blind girl and secret princess?

~ Yeah I will be updating so but you gotta wait I'm currently looking for a job and signing up for fall classes

Q: You say your a Voltron fan but I never see you post it on your insta? Where do you post it?

~Yeah..I don't post on my instagram cause it's mainly for person use but I did say I'll make a seperate account eventually for just fandoms but all my Voltron stuff is on my tumblr so..yeah I have a lot of repost there and currently thinking about getting a tattoo of them lol

Q: Are you losing interest in starco? You seem more focused on Voltron than Svtfoe?

~I'll never lose interest in starco..if I screenshot my drafts you'll be pretty surprised how many starco books I have and you can even asked That_Safe_Kid he knows lol and I'm into Voltron right now cause the hype for it is real! The show starts on my best friends birthday and it's in my birth month so I'm super hype and the best gift ever to me :)

Q: I love your books! Especially Her last lie..that book had so much feeling that you can picture yourself there watching it happen..also keep up the good work

~Well thanks means a lot! And I tried cause it's better that the book have emotions then not having any at all

Q: When's your birthday? New follower and I don't even know sorry..

~Its ok it's August 1 and don't be sorry I get asked a lot trust me lol

Q: Are you ever gonna live stream again cause I miss you acting silly with your sister and friends lol

~I'm not sure? I haven't been consistent with keeping up with my schedule so it's a maybe not sure lol sorry..

Q: You've been ghost last week like no update or even a comment from your books? Are you feeling okay?

~I had a breakdown a week ago, I was out hanging with my friends (if you have me on Snapchat then you'll know what I'm talking about) my best friend came back from her trip I Ohio and she spent a day before telling me that she wants to move to Ohio for good. I told her why and she told me that she wanted to get away from where we live and I started telling why and acting out..I felt hurt she would want to leave and kinda sad cause we grew up together and for her to move to another state forever just like our old friends hurt. She told me i was acting like a child and that I should grow up and do something for myself. We agrued and whatnot but I couldn't stay mad so next day we hung out and had fun and I came home and started talking with my good friend Liam..after a few minutes I broke and cried while he was talking to me I held so much in I just couldn't anymore. He thought I was gonna harm myself but I wouldn't do that..I needed time so I didn't write for awhile and just decided to go for walks or run it off..sorry for the long explanations.

Hello everyone it's me Ash!
So that's all I got for today and thanks for caring for my sisyers well being and also supporting me as well ;) bye

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