Greaser Au

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Title: She likes bad boys and motorcycles

Info: Star Butterfly, part of the heart Ladies is a ruthless greaser chick only into the bad boy type no geek or nerd will fit her needs

Marco Diaz a typical nerd falls for her..every Time he tries to be nice or even flirt she just push him away because he isn't her type so he will try everything to get her affection..even if it means he might have to change his image

Word count:1713

Marco Pov
I finally moved from Mexico to California a month ago, Dad got a  better job and made him move i didn't mind the change of scenery but it was way different from what I'm used to. "Marco you want us to drop you off?" I looked at my parents before heading out

"No thanks, I'll like to see the new neighborhood" they nod and I head out, it was quiet where I lived but as soon as I came towards the school it was loud and crazy and everyone seemed to have their groups.

As Marco walked by groups of people I froze when I saw a girl with beautiful blonde locks, red stained lips and a dress that hugged all her curves, a red leather jacket with hearts over the back..she's something.

She was stunning and way out of my  league if I say do myself. She was giggling with her group and she looked at me with a smirk before I was pushed against the lockers

"Move it Nerd!" I winced at the slight pain as I saw glare at the boy who pushed me "Tommy Knock it off! This is why I left you Bird brains!" She rolled her eyes as she swayed away with the boy following behind "Seems that they were together?"

I rubbed my head and head towards my first class, as i did I see the girl from before, she chatting with her friends and I say two rows behind not wanting anymore problems "Good morning class, seems we have a new Student joining us this year..Marco Diaz, please stand up"

I stood up and everyone looked at me including the girl "Where you from?" Asked Tommy " dad got transferred so-" "Shut it, I asked where your from not your life story" he started laughing with his group and the girl just kept looking at me and I sat down a little embarrassed.

After class I tried catching up to her as I did she gave me an odd look "May I help you?" She said chewing her gum quite loudly "Yeah, never caught your name seeing you already know mines" I smiled and she rolled her eyes as she leaned on a locker

"Names Star Butterfly, Part of Heart Ladies..nice meeting you bai!" She whipped around her hair hitting my face as she giggles. That made me more determined to get her to go out with me. "Hey wanna get some pop and burgers after school?" She scuffs

"No thanks I'm busy" "How about the day after?" She started to glare a bit "I'm busy that day too.." I smirked I liked the her nose scrunched up and her cheeks were pink

"When are you free?" She clicked her tongue before answering "Never..I gotta go" she took off and I groan, she isn't the girls back home.

The next few days I tried speaking the way Tommys group spoke but I actually didn't want to be part of his group unless it got me closer to Star. As i headed towards the bowling ally I practiced what I should say, as i came through the doors I see Star with her Ladies and Tommy with his, and by the looks of it they looked to be fighting

"I don't care if your with Janna Tommy and it doesn't make me jealous!" "Your totally still into me Starship! You always come back!" "What am I second prize?!" I stood there afraid I might be caught in the middle "I'm over you Tommy! I'll prove it!"

As she walked towards me I stepped away but she stop in front of me and grabbed my face and kissed me, it felt amazing and when she let go she stuck her tongue out at him and left with her girls.

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