My Roommate

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Info: Marco and Star are roommates in a apartment near campus, Marco is known for being a flirt and bringing home random girls..what happens when star scares them away each time?

Person A and B are roommates, person B always has one night stands, Person A scares them off every morning and person B doesn't understand?

Word count: 1372
Song: toothbrush-DNCE

Star pov
I was getting sick and tired of hearing Marco and his random hook ups every other night..maybe because it's gross or maybe it's because I kinda fell for him and feel jealous? No matter what it is I always get rid of them..

As I woke up and made breakfast I heard the door open from his bedroom and she looks up at me, i just sit there with a smirk "Oh..I didn't know?" I laugh a bit finishing the last of my coffee and walk towards the brunette with emerald eyes "I'm his girlfriend..and I found out that you and 3 other girls have been sleeping with him..Do you know how that makes me feel?"

The girl looked scared and embarrassed for even standing here with me "He never told me..tell him to never call me again!" She stormed off and I laughed holding my stomach as I wiped my tears Marco walks out in his sweats rubbing his face "Where did Casey go?" "She told me to tell you to never call her again.."

Marco glared at me and shook his head "Star! Why do you keep scaring these girls away?" I shrugged "You know you have a female roommate that hears everything you guys do?  Marco you should do it when I'm out with friends not on weekends!" He chuckles and rolls his eyes

"Star? Do you like me? A little jealous?" I blushed and crossed my arms "What?! Of course not why would I? Your a player and just use girls for pleasure!" He gives me his signature smile and it makes my heart beat fast "Wow that's hurtful..hey want to grocery shopping?" I nod I don't have anything better to do?

As we make it to the store I already saw Marco hitting on some workers and I rolled my eyes and continue walking doing the shopping after a few minutes I see Marco getting the girls number "Your so desperate..player" he nears my face and kissed my nose which I slap his chest making me feel flustered

"Ouch..just admit you like me Star it's written on your face" I stuck my tongue out at him and pushed the cart "Over my dead body" I said as he followed behind hugging me from behind laying his head on my head since I was shorter than him "One day you'll admit it"

he whispers as we go and pay, as much as I want to say he's wrong..he's right but I don't want to give in that the next few weeks went by he would bring home a different girl and every morning they would see me and bounce and I'll never seen them again which makes Marco mad but he needs to learn that there are limits "Star..why? She was actually pretty nice.." I scoff and get up looking up at his brown eyes

"Because you deserve someone who is willing to keep you tied down and not going out finding pleasure..Marco we're 28 almost in our 30s you need to find someone eventually?" He smirks and looks at me with lustful eyes which makes me back up a bit and hold my breath "Someone like you?"

I blushed and shake my head "I never said me..stop putting fantasies in your head knowing it won't happen!" He pulls me closer making me look right at him "I'm pretty sure you've been getting rid of these girls because you actually fell for me princess" I tried moving away but he held on me tighter which I hate

"No! I don't l-!" I was stopped by his lips that seemed so intoxicating yet good, i stopped struggling in his grasp and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pushed me against the wall, he never broke the kiss and when he did we were breathing pretty hard "You were saying?" I began to giggle and pull him for another

"Shut up" he chuckles and looks down at me "So..your the one who's going to tie me down?" I shrugged "More or less? Depending where this leads..?" I smirked seeing him lift me over his shoulder making me laugh as we walked towards his room "Lets see.." I rolled my eyes.

The next morning I woke up in his bed and I actually felt dumb because after this he will just leave and go find someone else..I slowly move his arm off my waist and grab  one of his big hoodies well his regular sized hoodie that's huge on me "Star..?" I heard his groggy voice as he grabbed my wrist

"Hey..didn't want to wake you up" I said softly "Stay.." he said and I just want to leave but part of me wanted to stay "Okay.." I walked towards him as he pulled me closer to his chest and I smiled up at him as he had a small smile on his face, as I woke up the sun was lighting up the whole room and Marco was still asleep I decided to make some breakfast..

as I moved from him he moved a bit but didn't wake up fully which I'm I tip toe  out of room I saw his phone on the table and it had 20 texts from some girl name Anne..I rolled my eyes and made breakfast after I say down Marco came out and smiled as he looked at me and kissed the side of my head

"Morning Star.." I didn't respond and I say there eating in silence I pointed to his plate and he sat by me looking at me since I still had his sweater on "You okay? You seem..quiet then you normally are?" I finished chewing and looked at him "Was I just another one night stand? Or did you mean everything you said last night?"

He looked shocked and a little bit confused "No..and I meant every word" I didn't believe him maybe it's because I feel he'll just get tired of me and leave "You don't love just loved me for the pleasure admit it Marco" I had tears forming and moved some hair away from my face making me look at him

"Star, i love you not because I slept with you because when we first became friends I knew you were special and fun to be around with..yes at first I thought I could get with you but I realized if I did I'll just lose you and that's the last thing I ever want to happen between us" I blushed and moved away from his touch, he just saying this so I don't leave this apartment

"Marco, i loved you for 2 years now since we've became roommates..I just didn't really think you'll ever like a girl like me, weird and awkward and a little outgoing" he chuckles and grabs my hand "Let me take you out" I raised a brow at him

"Out? Like a date?" He nods "Exactly like a date" it's hard to believe him sometimes "You aren't tricking me right Diaz?" He shakes his head "No, im not if you want this to work I better start changing the way I act, So Star Adeline Butterfly will you go out with me?" I giggled when he used my full name

"Ew  I hate my middle name..never say it again" he rolls his eyes "Will you?" I nodded my head "Yeah..I would" he smirks and he pulls me into a deep kiss which makes me smile and I hear his phone going off, he walks towards it and sends a text saying he's taken and take the phone away "Seems you like having my full attention" I nodded "Oh yeah.."

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