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Hello everyone not an update but I just wanted to share I'm starting to turn into Voltron Trash 😅😅

I got hooked on the series and now I'm trash because now I'm obessing over ships in the group.

I also ordered shirts and other things that yet to come through and I'm waiting but my Klance shirt came in ❤💙 I was screaming when I got it lol Idk of I'm over doing it but I love it...

I also ordered shirts and other things that yet to come through and I'm waiting but my Klance shirt came in ❤💙 I was screaming when I got it lol Idk of I'm over doing it but I love it

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Basically a markiplier and Jack swap with Lance and Keith..I just love these two 😊 I'm a sucker for these guys along with others anyways...

If your interested of me writing Voltron Trash let me know! Because I would totally be okay switching into another fandom 😊☺

Later guys!
-Ash ♡

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