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Title: She saved my life

Info: Marco goes on a fishing trip with his parents, when the weather changes dramatically he falls off and starts to drown, but he's saved by a blonde beauty where did she go? What happens next?

Word count: 1304
Song:  sia- waterfall

Marco pov
It was that annual fishing trip my parents manage to drag me along. To be completely honest im not a open water type of guy, you have no idea what's in the bottom of the deep blue sea.

But somehow I never say no to my lovable parents "Ready for an adventure Marco?" Dad says as he held on mom kissing her cheek

"Yeah, sure dad" as he starts the boat I pull out my sketch book and continue working on my latest piece, the view from my bedroom "Almost done" as I finished I put my work aside and look at the ocean and see the water moving

"Dad, why do we fish? Isnt that why we ask the Thomas family for the seafood?" He nods "Yeah, but I rather get it myself and also I get to spend time with you and your mother" mom smiled and kissed him quick and I adverted my eyes to not see them make out

"Child on the boat" I said as they laughed "You'll be like this when you find the girl of your dreams" I rolled my eyes and chuckled "Yeah, no I won't be kissing in front of you two like ever"

they shake their heads and we remained bantering until the weather started to change "Raphael we should go back, the weather isn't looking so good" my dad nods and mom and I started to put things inside the boat as we did a crack of thunder erupted scaring us.

I managed to save my book and phone as I went back to get my mothers sweater the boat rocked and I fell off the boat. I tried staying afloat but I was scared and was screaming for help my parents couldn't hear me.

I kept my legs kicking and my head above the water I swimmed towards the boat but they were being pushed away from me "Mom! Dad!"  I could hear their faint cries of my name "Marco!" I was trying my best to get to them but I was far from their reach.

The winds picked up and bigger waves were towering over me, I could barely keep my eyes open and I was running out of breath. This is how I will die, by falling off the boat and drowning by high waves. As I couldn't keep myself up I was sinking and couldn't process this was the end of me. The last I saw was a girl coming for me.

As I felt water come out from me, I breathed hard and looked up, the sun casting over my savior, her hair was wavy and long and her eyes were a bright blue. I blinked again as she held my face and Eskimo kissed me and disappeared.

As I sat up all I can taste was the sea salt and somehow fish? As I look at the calm waters I hear screaming as I look I see both my parents holding me tight and squeezing the life of me "Marco! We were so worried about you! I'm glad your okay" mom said as she kissed my face

"My baby is safe" I felt a little embarrassed but then again I almost lost my life if it wasn't for that mystery girl "Mom, I'm fine I promise you" she sighs and they help me up and we get home.

As I finished a nice shower I kept thinking about the girl or my hero but I knew she wasn't from here, her skin was soft but It was somewhat rough like fish scales but she looked unique. "Marco lights out" I hear dad say and I turn off my light.

The next day I was determined to find her, I walked towards the spot I was washed on. Near it were rocks and boulders as I sat down and look out the water scanning to see anything out of the ordinary but to my luck nothing.

As I stood up I decided to walk on the pier and dip my feet in, as I splash water around just lay back and look up at the sky.  "Hey" I sat up quick when I saw a girl in water her hair was on her face and she had a headband made of shells holding it back "Whoa!"

I backed up pulling my feet from the water "No, don't be afraid I won't hurt you" she was pretty and her eyes were shining and her hair just the I pictured it "You saved me" she giggles and nods

"Yeah, I did you were in the middle of my training, but then I realized you were dying so I quickly helped you" she swam closer to me and I watched her "Thank you, uh I'm Marco" she smiles and held out her hand "I'm Star Butterfly, A magical mermaid princess"

wait did she said mermaid princess? "Excuse me, a meemaid?" She nods and flips her tail around and smirks "Not only that I'm magical too, look" she shows me a wand and its pretty crazy and cool "I was saved by a mermaid princess, this is insane"

she giggles and jumps up and sits at the edge of the pier "Its not insane, it wonderful hey do you want to be friends?" I shrugged because I didn't know if this could work out?

"Sure, um how do I know you're here to hang?" She smirks "around noon, I'm always free if not then know I'm busy and can't hang" I nodded slowly.

Since that day I visited Star everyday, or the days she wasn't busy. We grew up together, we've been friends since we were 14, and now we were both 22 years old, she certainly grown-up to be beautiful as ever, her eyes brighter than ever and her hair long and shiny as ever

"There you to again" star said as she sway her tail, I loved looking at her she was fun to be around with and to look at "Doing what?"  "Looking at me, I'm not that gorgeous Marco"

I scoff and pulled her under my arm "Are you kidding? You're beyond beautiful Star and I'm glad you saved me and  I met you" she blushed and her smile fades "Marco, I gotta tell you something" I let go and looked at her "What's wrong?"

"I can't visit you anymore, my kingdom needs a queen so this might be the last time we even see or even hang out" she had tears rolling down her perfect face, I held her face and wiped them away

"Hey, its okay you know where I am, and I'll wait for you" she smiles and presses her forehead on my head. Its a habit we did since we were younger, but at this moment I just wanted to kiss her

"I'll miss you Marco" I sigh "I'll miss you too Star" as she moved her forehead she looked up at me and kissed me, it was long and passionate as she held my face.

Once she let go she jumped into the water "Bye" she said waving "I hate goodbyes, how about see you later" she giggles "Alright, later Diaz" I waved as the last thing I saw was her tail splash and disappear into the deep blue ocean.

Since then I always visited the beach to see if she ever returned, I spent almost 3 years thinking about her and wondering if she ever come back until one day she did.



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