Reverse Au

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Title Who's a little girl now?

Info; basically based of running with scissors but with genderbends of Starco and I'll add my little twist in there.. (also I'm falling to pieces with the new episode 😭 I know I'm not the only one) also pictures I used are from tumblr and belong to their artist

Word count: 1460
Song: tightrope-Lp

Maria Pov
I was woken up by the puppies as usually and I really didn't want to wake up but they never gave up and I had no choice "Fine let's see" as I got dressed I opened the front to see it was terrible outside and I really didn't want to go out in that kind of weather. I decided to ask Comet for the scissors of course my best friend is going to let me right?

"Hey comet, can I use your dimensional scissors for the pups?" He was distracted with shooting his wand to even answer correctly "What? Yeah sure whatever here" he handed it over and I smiled "Thanks dude"

as I got into my room I opened to the dog park and let them go after a couple minutes I decided to have some fun since comet is a little busy. I opened in every dimension possible until an orange looking one came out and it freaked me out until I was pulled in and landed on dead grass and dirt

"Where did you get these dude?" I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes "Those belong to my best friend Comet DragonFly so if you don't mind-Hey!" The guy pulled them away from me "Your mistaken these are mine,  they have my name on them see 'Heckadoo' see" I gave him a strange look

"Hecka-what?" "Heckadoo!" I scoffed and tried grabbing them but he moved them away from me "Whatever give them back,  those belong to my friend"  "If you want them you gotta earn them, which I doubt you'll be able to" I groan and took a deep breath "I'll do it" he smirked at me and walked around me "Do what?"

"I'll earn them" it was silent for a bit until he started laughing causing me to get slightly annoyed "Yeah sure, your kidding right?" I shook my head "No,  I want to earn them and get back to my dimension before Comet finds out" he nods and looks down at me since I was shorter then him

"Fine,  all you have to do is blow out this candle" I giggled a bit "Thats all? Peace of-" be moved and I was starting to regret this "Cake?"  "Nice try kid" I try again and he takes off and soon after I'm following but I'm being lapped and getting burned on my shoulder "Thats 2 son!"

I groan and try a different way as I do I fall in a portal and hang from a tree branch "Bye little girl" he waves and I fake him out as he gets close I blew out his candle "Ha! What?" He disappear as I get up and see him giving me an evil smirk "Smart girl, try again and this time good luck"

I was confused until I saw millions of him and they were hopping into different dimensions I yell in frustration "It could takes minutes, hours, months, years.. what are you waiting for?"

I shake my head in disbelief before picking one "I don't have time for this!" As I entered I knew this was going to take longer than I thought..

Comet pov
I laid in my bed until I heard someone and saw that their dog was going to pee on my furniture "Whoa dude not cool! Where did you come from?" The guy looked confused and scared "I don't know man! This new dog park is crazy" I tilted my head

"Dog park? Ugh Maria" as I ran towards her room it was filled with portals and then I saw an orange one "Oh shoot, that don't look good" I used my compact phone and dialed horse head "Comet dude.. I was just working on my cardio, what's up?"

"Dude Maria went portal happy and then this one isn't like the others?" As I showed him he chokes on his drink "Oh man, that's probably heckadoo, yeah that's probably him" I was confused "Heckadoo? The demon in the higher magic authority? Dude why did you steal from him?"

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