writing prompt #4

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Writing prompt: Star and Marco been best friends since they were 4, now that they are 14 will they confess to each other or just ignore it?

Title: Promise..

Song: Fell in love with my best friend

Marco Pov

I looked at her blue sapphire eyes, the way she looked at me when we first met, it was like something clicked in my mind and heart when she peeked by her mother's legs..

"Marco, meet Star she and her family just moved in next door, why don't you two chat?" My mother said as she pushed me towards the scared girl standing in front of me "Go on Star, make a new friend while mom makes some of her own" her mother pushed her closer to me and our noses touches, our faces flushed at how close we were, I move back and she was sucking her thumb and twirling her hair

"Want..to play in the backyard?" She nods slowly and I held out my hand for her to take "Take my hand" she looks down at my hand and takes it into her own "We're going to be best friends right?" I smiled and nodded "Of course" she mumbles a bit "Promise?" I looked at her eyes at they shimmered and her hair moved slowly crossing her face "Promise"

As we reached the swings, she giggled as I pushed her, she was screaming. And telling me to push harder, I smiled as I stopped and sat by her, the swing eventually stopped and her face was red from laughing and giggling so much as she looked at me she moved her swing towards me and our noses touch "W-why are you so close?!" I said a little scared of what she might do "I like you" she said smiling and giggling before swinging again "You like me?"

She nods and walks off the swing and stands right in front of me "Yeah, do you like me?" She asked tilting her head "Yeah" she smiles and pulls me off the swing and starts spinning me but we break free before I blew chunks "That was so much fun, right Marco?" I nodded still a little dizzy "Yeah" she turns and looks at me

"Do you say anything besides 'yeah'?" I nodded "Star, let's go darling" star stood up and helped me up "See you tomorrow!" She pulled me into a tight hug and left skipping to her mother "bye" I manage to say before she was gone, I smiled and held my arms, she makes me feel fuzzy on the inside

Couple years later..

I opened my eyes staring back right at my best friend staring back with her beautiful blue orbs "Marco I've been trying to call you for hours" I chuckled as I watch her run towards the swing set "Sorry I spaced out" she giggles, my god her laughs was like music to my ears

"You've been spacing out since our 12th birthday, is it because of that Thomas girl? I've seen the way you look at her" I sigh, I didn't really like her, she wasn't my type or really caught my interest "No, it's not her..I have eyes for someone else" star jumped off the swing and looked at me with a flushed face

"You like someone else?" I blushed and nodded "Yeah..don't you like someone?" She giggles and sits by me on the bench "Yeah, but that's what teenagers do, have crushes that won't even happen you know" I nodded and looked over at her, she had a faint smile as she looked up at the clouds "Promise" she said and I jumped out of my trance

"What?" She smirks "Promise me we'll be best friends forever?" I smiled and nodded, she looked at me kinda weird "Promise" she smirks as she lay her head on my shoulder, I felt my heart race a bit and I slowly pulled her face towards me "Marco what are you doing?" Her cheeks were red and her breathing was becoming hitched

"Promise" I leaned down and placed my lips on hers, when I moved away she had stars in her eyes as she looked right at me "I promise" she said softly as she leaned in for another kiss, I smiled between the kiss and we stayed under the tree with our hands intertwine and watching the sun go down "So the person you like was me huh?" I chuckled as she kissed my cheek "Yeah, always have"

A/n hello short one shot I know but it was a small writing prompt but I hoped you like it

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