Until then

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Info: Princess and a Werewolf that's literally all I got and it's pretty long

Title: The princess and her wolf

Word count: 1687
Song: Weak- AJR

Star pov
I walked along the words to find the lovely pond where all the beautiful creatures lurk. My parents told me to beware of magical beings, I just laugh and keep on with what I’m doing. If a magical being wanted me, wouldn’t they already have me?

I giggle at my own thoughts as I hear howling and cracking around me. I freeze and slightly start to panic as I keep my eyes open. I walk slowly holding my dress and keep my heart rate lower so they don’t know I’m scared but I’m miserably failing and starting to run instead of walking.

The sounds were getting closer and I felt my heart jumping out of my chest. Princess Star Butterfly will die at the age of 17, without a first kiss or a true love. I stop as I get to a dead end and turn around and grab a thick branch to protect me at least. “Come on Out!”

I yell as I heard something rushing by, each second my mind is racing and wondering if I'll get the chance to see another day. I start to cry a bit as I see the dark shadow coming closer and I start swinging wildly so I won’t miss. “Away! Shoo!”

I said repeatedly as I heard a chuckle and someone grab my branch “Very cute” I opened my eyes to see a bit roughly around my age “You startled me to death!” I shoved his chest and walked past him groaning as he had me fooled “I wouldn’t go through that way” I stop and give a glare at the boy

“Why is that? Whoever you are?” He smirks and to be honest it was kind of attractive “Wolves are out and about, I just saved you by the way” I raised a brow questioning how he did it? “How?” He laughs and gets closer towards me that he looks down at me.

“If I showed you, you'll run away princess” his eyes seem to shimmer a yellowish gold color and I stepped back a bit hitting a tree “What are you?” I say slowly even though I’m completely panicking and need to go back home. “I’m a werewolf”

he flashed his teeth and I ran away, tripping over every stump and rock until I fell face first in dirt. I grimace at how my beautiful dress got ruined. My hair was a mess and covered in mud, I scrape my knee and probably hurt my ankle

“Wow, you took the news way differently” I push towards the tree still on the ground as the boy kneeled towards me “I won’t hurt you, I promise” he held out his hand, his claws were long and seemed to have cuts and scratches over his body. “How would I know? You could just be seducing me so you can have a meal!”

I fire back as he laughs as stands tall “I don’t eat humans, I eat deer or anything that’s not a human. My mother was human, my father was a wolf, they fell in love and had me” I stood up in pain and he tried to help but I smacked his hand away “So, your mother was red riding hood?” He smirks

“I see everyone is familiar with the tall tale of their love” this wasn’t real, I heard of the story during bedtime when I was a child. I never expect that it was real and he was their child “What’s you name then wolfy?” He growls at the nickname

“Don’t call me that, it’s Marco by the way” he looked at me and I stared at his attire. His hold top half was bare and had black markings and his lower half was shredded shirts being held by black rope “Why are you staying at me”

I blush and advert my eyes somewhere else “I wasn't” I lied I totally was staring, the boy has a body of a god almost and I'm one very excited teenage girl who hasn’t seen a guy this attractive before “If you're leaving, I suggest that way so the wolves don’t get you” he pointed towards the clear path but I remembered what I was actually going to do before I ran for it.

“I was going to the meadow, with the beautiful pond and creatures. You scared me before I even got a chance to get there” I said crossing my arms “I'll take you there if you like. It’s near where I live with my family” I smiled and started following him but as I did I hissed in pain and fell

“Are you alright?” He came to my side and his eyes were so light that I could get lost in them “I uh hurt my ankle when I ran away from you” I blushed and lowered my eyes so he wouldn’t look into mine “I'll can heal you in my home” I raised a brow

“W-wait!” before I could protest he hauled me up in his arms and started to walk a different direction. His heartbeat was steady and mine was racing with this much interaction. When we arrive at a small home he walked up the worn down stairs and managed to kick open the door

“Marco Diaz! How many-“ I stared at the woman in the red hood as her hazel eyes met mine. “Sorry Mamá, she hurt her ankle and I couldn’t leave her out there” she came closer as Marco placed me on the wooden chair as his mother came closer

“Another human? Haven’t seen one in years, what’s your name?” I gulp a bit because she looked serious with the look she gave me. “I’m Star Butterfly” she gasps and held her hand on her mouth. She immediately got on her knees and hands and bow

“Princess I'm sorry my house is such a mess I didn’t expect any vistors, Marco show some respect” she pulled him to the floor and he kneel and now his head. I blushed at the gesture but shook my hands “It’s quite alright, you don’t have to treat me like royalty” his mother stood and cleaned her dress off

“Would you like a drink?” Marco stood between us “Mamá she’s hurt and needs attention” his mother nods and leaves us. Marco kneels and held my left foot and I hiss a bit “That hurt” he chuckles “Obviously, it’s turning blue and purple”

he slipped my flats off and ran his fingers over the bruise that it kind of tickled in a way “Stop that tickles” I said giggling and I saw a playful gleam in his eyes “It does? How about this?” his fingers drift from the bruise and slowly going up my leg sending shivers down my back.

I caught his hand as it was at my knee. I had an awful gash that was covered in dry blood and dirt “You hurt yourself pretty bad didn’t you?” I blush and lowered my gaze. He grabs my hands into his own and kisses it which make me jump in my seat a bit

“Its okay, I didn’t mean to scare you before” I smiled at him but felt my heart race. What’s the matter with me? Feeling like this about a guy who’s actually a human wolf hybrid? God what is wrong with me? As he held my hand his mother comes back and he let's go and I sigh losing the warmth.

“Alright let me see” she got on her knees as she looks at the damage “Wow, you did a number on your knee princess, I'll clean it up and you'll be good to go” I nodded and noticed Marco get a bowl and a small rag as he gave me small glances.

After a few minutes I was wrapped up but I still couldn’t walk alright. It was night and I had to get back to the kingdom but how if I don’t know what lurks in the night “Princes I will have my son Marco take you home” Marco blushed from behind her and I giggled

“That’s very kind of you” she nods and pulls his arm “Take care of her Marco” he nods looking afraid of his own mother, I wouldn’t blame him I get afraid of my mother sometimes too “Yes Mamá” he kissed her cheek and carried me in his arms and I held around his neck

“Thanks again” “No problem, come again” she waved as we leave the small home into darkness. It was quiet and all you could hear were crickets and owls in the distances. I looked at Marco as his eyes were glowing again, I wonder if he's using it to see? I lay on his chest as  he smirks

“My mother likes you” I laugh a bit “Yeah cause I’m the royal princess” “No, because you are kind and caring of others feelings” I gasp a bit and my face flushed a pink “What about you?” what the heck am I doing? Asking a werewolf on what he thinks of me? Wait? I actually want to know.

I wait patiently as he seems to think of an answer “I think your beautiful and have a tough demeter” we both laugh a bit before we get to the edge of the woods and the outline of the castle “Thanks for calling me beautiful” he nods as he puts me down gently and stretched his arms out

“I guess this is it?” He says looking a little down “Um until I’m healed, I would love to see you again” I held my hand out as Marco walked out from the darkness “I want that too” he held my hand in his and brought it close to his lips again. My heart bursts a bit as he lowers it “Til again princess” he slowly let my hand fall and he leaves into the darkness “Until then”

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