Friendship Thursday

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Song: Just a Friend
By: Megan Trainer

A/n got inspired by a photo from tumblr and I decided to make my own version of it and I hope you like it, I'm sorry I'm lacking with updates, like my grandma is in the hospital and she's barely breathing and I'm terrified because she raised me basically when I was a baby, seeing her so delicate and frail it breaks my heart, I'm getting sick just seeing her that way and I'm keeping my hopes up to know she'll heal and feel better, anyways I might not update for a while maybe cause everything is just driving me nuts..bye guys

Star Pov
I watching pace in front of me and Janna, he was looking down at his phone and by the looks of it he was texting Jackie, I sigh and I hoped he didn't forget what today was "Marco, do you know what day it is?"

I say all cheery and bubbly, he raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulder "Um, Thursday?" My heart kinda broke a bit and I held my stomach a bit and Janna probably noticed my expression

"Hey I'm heading out with Jackie for a few, don't wait up for me" as I stretched my arm out to reach he was already gone, I held my head down and I held back my tears, I can't believe he forgot about friendship Thursday, out of all the things we do together he forgot

"Star, let's just watch the shows together, forget Marco, hang with your gal pal Janna" she gave me a small smile and I nodded and turned on the TV and put our show, but I barely watched it and I was just thinking what Marco and Jackie are up to?

After a couple hours I left Janna and locked myself in my room and laid across my floor and look up, everything is changing and I'm not liking this, realizing my feelings for him was hard but seeing him close with her breaks me and gets me upset,

I know I shouldn't even get involved but I knew he liked her from the start but we became close too over the past couple months, it's not fair you know, having to sacrifice everything you have to keep him happy and safe and

all she's done was not give a single thought to him since the sleepover, I regretted inviting her over, because I'm the one who pushed him into playing  and him telling his feelings for her, now that he's gone I feel like I'm nothing anymore..

I turn and see a photo of us and I tear up again and I grabbed the photo, tears landed and I wiped my face and crumpled up the photo and threw it across my bedroom, I don't want to know the person I like fall for someone who isn't me, my sobs were a little loud and I tried to stop but I couldn't it hurt when it shouldn't even have to "I wish I understood how he feels.."

Marco Pov
I smiled when I met with Jackie I kissed her cheek and she smiles "Hey, so ready for our second date?" I nodded and we interlocked our hands, I smiled and my heart raced but everytime I did my mind drifted off, but I tried ignoring it and kept my attention to Jackie,

she talked about her family and what she likes to do and we to a diner and ate, as I looked down at my phone it had a reminder 'Friendship Thursday w/Star' my mouth dropped open and I felt horrible and a total idiot, how can I forget about that?

Star asked me too as I left and I just completely blew her off like it was just any regular day "Hey you okay Marco?" I nodded "Yeah and no, I totally forgot me and Star have a thing on Thursday nights and I just completely forgot about it, I'm sorry Jackie but I have to make things right with her"

Jackie nods and I kissed her cheek and ran off to the house as quick as I can as I entered I was slapped crossed my face and I yelped in pain and looked at Janna "You big idiot, your completely forgot about today, the only thing you have with Star, she's been sad and depressed for hours, she didn't even watch the show because you weren't here" I gave her a confused look, why is she acting this way?

"I know Janna that's why I'm here to make it up" Janna slapped me again "Sometimes your so oblivious to her feelings about you, she likes you the way you like Jackie, honestly" Janna left and I stood there holding my red cheek and looked at the stairs, I need to make things right..

As I inches closer to her door I heard soft cries and I knew it was because of me, being forgetful and completely ignoring her 'I wish I understood how you felt for me?' I heard her say and heard her move around her room and hear things being thrown, I knock and she opened and wiped her face and plastered a smile "hey Marco, how was Jackie?" I pulled her into a hug and she held on me tight and cried and I let her, I kinda started to tear up a bit

"That's not important, I'm so sorry Star I forgot today and I wanna make it up to you, also I know you like me the way I like Jackie" she moved away from and blushed and slowly backed away from me "What?! No, what are talking about? Just as friends  duh, you have Jackie now and we're besties..." she said on the verge of tears almost

"Hey, it's okay that you like me, that's kinda funny and cute, I never really thought you'll like me I'm not cool like Tom or know how to play Keytar like Oskar I'm just a nerd that's lucky to have a person just like you" a small smile appeared on her face and she giggles "Marco, I always thought you were cool when I first met you..I knew you were special that night we fought ludo the first time, I knew we were going to be close"

I chuckled and noticed her get close to me and she held my hand, I blushed and as did she "I care about you Star, I'm sorry I even did that to you" she giggles a bit and held my face and kissed me quick "So do I, and I forgive you okay?" I nodded

"Star, I'm new at learning how to control New feelings and stuff but just know I will never replace you, because your my number one" she wrapped herself around me and screamed of joy "Aww Marco!" I chuckled and we stayed the night looking at the stars on the roof, maybe I'll be ready but for now, let's just stay besties..

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