Rant..and WP #18

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A/n Hey guys recently I've been getting Update This! or update That! And I simply can't do it like magic because I have to get inspired to write, if I'm not inspired then the story is just trash and it's bad like really bad that it doesn't make any type of sense? I take time writing my books and I'm sorry for those who are impatient on when the updates not trying to be rude just letting you know..It will happen and all I can say is sorry, I need time to myself and I have a social life in the real word..can't really be sucked into my phone all the time 😐 and for the people that understand me and how I am I greatly appreciate your patients and I like I always say I will update when I can I don't want to stress myself that I and up in the hospital again 😷 I hate going there it scares me.. That's all my rant and let's continue shall we?

Title: The English and Art teacher: Kids? Part 3

Info: Decided to continue it as they are older now and it's about time to have kids right?

Word Count: 1062

Star Pov
I rub my stomach as I feel nauseous  it was probably the food from that dinner "Hey honey..why are you still in bed?" I turn and see Marco dressed for school and I groan in pain "I don't feel good..I think it was that food we ate.." Marco sigh and felt my head and told me I was warm "Well I'll let Janna your out today, where's your sub things?" I pointed at my bag and he took the folder "I'm sorry babe.." he chuckles and kisses me "It's okay, I'll miss you today get better okay?"

I nodded and he left and I got up and dashed towards the bathroom and puked I was disgusted and decided a warm shower could get rid of this.. as I rinsed my hair I noticed my stomach and I looked bloated as I wrap myself in my fluffly towel I heard my phone ding as I checked it was Marco

(Hey..I miss u ♡)
(Miss u too ♡)
I placed my phone down and decided to draw and grade papers as it hit noon I was craving some tacos with sugar..is that weird? Maybe but I really wanted it..I checked the time and was marcos break "Marco! Buy tacos!"

I yelled in the phone and I heard him laughing 'Okay I will be there' i smiled and waited for him as he arrived I took the bag away which scares him a bit "So..no afternoon smooch?" I laughed and gave him a kiss and he watched me eat the taco with the sugar and he gave me an odd look

"Okay..? Why are you putting sugar in a taco I'm pretty sure you put like sauces on it not sugar?" I look up at him and wiped my mouth "Marco am I get?" He blushed a bit and shook his head "What?! No your not your beautiful Star" I rolled my eyes "What's wrong?"

He pulled me closer to him and lifted my head up "I don't know I've been feeling moody.." "Is it the women cycle?" I giggled and hit his arm "Its a menstrual cycle..and I don't know probably but I usually get angry and be very annoying" he sighs and kisses me "Well just relax I gotta go back to school, see you at 5" I nodded "Okay bye" "Bye"

as the door closed I went back to our room and easier my stomach and stood sideways I definitely look like I gained weight "Marco is a liar!" As I lay back on my bed and let out a frustrated sigh "What else could it be?" As I get on my phone I just see my friends putting baby pictures of their kids and I kinda feel jealous..I want a baby but

Marco is so nervous when it comes to baby and doing the deed sometimes I tell him we should just adopt but he wants our first kids to be from us which I don't mind but we barely have time to do anything well like 5 weeks ago I think..at a meeting we have to travel to, we had a whole day so we stayed in bed together..Oh..

I slowly got up and got into the bathroom and pulled out a pregnancy test..I bought them a week ago so I can talk to Marco about it but good to do it now..
After waiting on the floor holding my knees I hear a beep and I quickly got up and my eyes went wide and I smiled and cried a bit,

as  I took a couple more just to make sure and it all came out the same and held my stomach as I cleaned up and hid the evidence I heard the room door open "Star? Are you okay you didn't answer your phone I was worried" I quickly washed my hands and put the first test behind my back "There you are..how you feeling?"

He leaned and kisses me and I giggle "I'm good..Marco I have  something to tell you but you need to sit down and not get mad" he nods slowly and sits down on the bed and I bring out the box of pregancy test

"Star..I thought we talked about this..we don't have time for having a baby" I shushed him and he raised an eyebrow "That's what you think..remember when we were sent to that meeting and we had one day off to ourselves?" He nods

"Yes we spent the whole day...No way" he says and my smile widens and I pull the test "I'm pregnant! We're gonna be parents Marco" I say on his lap and he's just speechless "We're gonna have a baby? I'm so happy..oh my gosh" he kissed me and I giggle between the kisses

"Is this why you been acting weird lately?" I nodded "Yeah I guess..I'm excited now" all night we talked about how the baby will look or act or something completely different and for once I was truly happy..

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