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Day 5: Girl next door..

Marco Pov
I sat at my window sill and look at her, she was laying on her bed on her phone and probably laughing and talking with her friends, as I watch her I get a glance and a smile from her, I move away from the window and blush, I hope I didn't make it awkward.. as I peek through my curtain I see her putting down her shades, I sigh and see the light go out, as I head into bed I think of a way to  get her to notice me..

The next night, I see her pacing back and forth and she seems to be fighting with someone on the phone, I keep watching and I see her sit on her bed holding her face as she looks at me she smirks as she raises her window she points for me to do the same, I was a little nervous and I slowly opened the window "Hey, what's your name?" She said, her voice was beautiful and she looked more amazing then far away "It's Marco..your neighbor"

I nervously chuckled and she laughed which was cute "Nice name, I've seen you look through your window whenever I'm in my room, why haven't talk to me?" I shrug not knowing because in reality I'm a nervous wreck and I stutter when it comes to a beautiful girl "I'll be..a nervous wreck" I say kinda stuttering "Oh, you don't have to be, I'm Star by the way..I gotta go" as she shut her window she waved at me and shut her curtains and I did as well, at least I spoke to her...

After a couple weeks, she seemed to be interested in my day, because honestly I didn't know if she went to school because I rarely saw her or even thought she did "Hey Star, do you go to school?" She looked up from her phone and sighs "I'm home schooled, which means I stay home and have teachers come teach me or my parents do, I'm educated but not in the school system" I nodded and looked right into her shimmering blue eyes "You okay Marco?"

I nodded and my face felt warm, as she played with her long hair she started to sing, it was very soft and sweet as she got louder she smiled right at me "You know you want to sing with me..sing it" as she said those I took a deep breath and started to sing as I did I saw her smirk go surprised and I slowly stopped singing and she clapped making me feel weird "Wow you have a beautiful voice..for a guy I mean I don't mean it in a bad way uh I'm sorry.." I chuckled "don't worry about it, thanks for the compliment Star"

we stood there silently only the sound of crickets and passing cars were heard "Marco, maybe one day we could meet in person, well if you want to, you don't have to" I nodded "I would love that, I mean like you I mean! Yes.." she laughs and waves and leaves the window and heads for bed, I do the same and face palm my face, that was totally smooth Diaz way to make her less interested in you by your nerves "Good night Star" I turned off my lamp and fell in deep sleep..

I woke up to my mother knocking on my door "Marco those a girl waiting downstairs for you" I quickly get dressed and run downstairs almost tripping and I see Star, I blushed as she flashed a smile and her hair moved slowly as she walked towards me as she looked up at me, I never realized I was taller then her "Good afternoon, did I come at a bad time?" I shook my head "Nope, you came in a great time, how are you?" She giggles and sighs "I'm great, how about you?" She looks at me weird

"What's wrong?" She giggles and points to my hoodie which is backwards "That's embarrassing, to be honest I just woke up and I'm a you can see" as I fixed my hoodie she put her hand on my arm and made my heart beat fast "It's okay, wanna get ice cream?" I nodded and we headed downtown as we did we talked about the things we usually say when we talk at the window as I gave her the if cream I heard a gasp and I see girls laughing and whispering and Star looked scared of them, as the girls pass by I stood up for her "Hey! Stop talking about her, and move along" they quickly ran off and I saw Star who looked sad

"Are you alright?" She stood up and started to walk towards home, I catch up to her and pull her hand and she looks at me with red cheeks "You can tell me.." she didn't look up to tell me "The reason I'm home schooled is that I destroyed school property a year ago, those girls were people in my old school, they call me weird and insane because of what I did, I want to tell you because you'll think less of me" I moved closer to her and lift her chin so I'm looking into her sapphire eyes "I don't care, I got to know the real you in just a couple weeks, and I'm glad you told me, I would've just thought those girls bullied you, because you know I take karate"

she giggled and kissed my cheek "Thanks for being my hero" she took off and went into her house and I held my cheek and entered my room and I look out my window and saw her sitting on her bed smiling and jumping on her bed, I laughed and lay on my bed..the girl next door isn't that bad..

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