Right Choices

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Hey guys...so I noticed that some of you aren't that active cause school started and I'm gonna be on that boat in just 15 days! 😭 but good news is

I'll be pre-writing one shots during my classes so don't you worry 😊 anyways also when I hit 400 followers I'll show my face and answer questions for you if you leave them in the comments..

Now that I said that..time for the one shot 😜 bye guys

Star Pov
It's been exactly 2 years since Marco and Jackie finally got together, it took awhile but I'm happy that he finally got the guts to ask her out, but now I'm kinda bored and sometimes lonely without him near or in my presence..I've been so used to having Marco by my side 24-7 but now it's like I'm back to being alone

"Hey Star can I ask you for a favor?" I look up and see my best friend..older and now more handsome "Sure what's up?" He sighs "Well, I know how girls are into jewelry and stuff but Jackie don't really seem into that kind of stuff? Should I get her a necklace that fits her or a new skateboard?" I really didn't care it meant he just use me for girl stuff and disappear for hours with her

"Get her a new board..she'll like it" I say plastering a forced smile "Thanks Star your the best" he hugged me and I hugged back not wanting to let go "Hey Marco before you go..can maybe we go hang out or do something..alone without Jackie?" He raised an eyebrow "Sure..I'll make sure we can, later Star"

he waved and closed my door and I was alone again, I walked towards my window and saw him go to Jackie and kiss her and hold hands, it made me kinda mad and upset I don't know if it's because she stole my best friend or because I feel something for him "Ugh what's the matter with me?"

I groan and walked upstairs to my hang out spot and lay on the wood floor and stare at my ceiling 'I hear a stressed princess' glossaryck says as he floats over me "What is it now?" He chuckles and lays beside 'For once nothing, but I can see your lonely and have no one to hang with' that was true I barely made any really close friends, it was always Marco..just me and him against the world

"I'm just gonna go for a stroll..want to come?" He looks at me and shakes his head 'No thanks..I'm going to take a nap, good day' he left my side and I went outside and looked left and right, I could go the way they left or the other side? I went the other way and began to hum, usually I do this with Marco around but he isn't around "Hey Star what is with the long face?" I look and see Janna looking suspicious

"Just thinking..what did you do?" She burst out laughing making me jump a bit "Just pulled a prank on a couple of people I know, you should've seen their faces" she began laughing like a lunatic and I move away without her noticing

"Hey! Why'd you leave?" She yells and I keep moving forward, as I get on the main street I see couples everywhere and I just wanted to puke, all this love and couples being happy and in love! When will I ever get my happy ending? If the person I want is taken? I wiped my face and cross my arms and sit on a bench and watch random people walk by, not caring what they are doing "Star?"

The voice sounded familiar and I look to my side and see Marco "Hey.." he looked worried and sat next to me "What's wrong?" I blush and shake my head "Nothing..where's Jackie?" He sighs and lays back looking annoyed "We..broke up"

I gasp pull him into a comfort hug "I'm sorry Marco, I knew you loved her.." he pushed away "I never said I loved her..I only liked her but never in love" I was confused, he dated the girl for 2 years and he doesn't love her? What gives then?

"What? Why didn't you love her? I thought she was your everything and stuff?" He sighs "No..everytime I was with her, I felt like we had no connection and I barely knew her as a person I only saw what she does and wanted..I was so focused on having her be mine when we finally got together...it was awkward"

I giggled a bit but stopped "Well..at least you got to be with your dream girl..but I'm sorry things didn't work out the way it should have" he gives me a weak smile and pulls my hand "Thanks for being there for me" I smile and felt my heart race a bit

"You can count on me, your best friend, your ying to your yang, your other half-' I covered my mouth and blushed and Marco's face was red as a cherry "Star did you say other half?" I nod slowly and move my hands "I'm sorry..I meant it in a friendly way" that was a lie I really meant it in a romantic way "Oh okay, for a second there I thought it was the other meaning"

we awkwardly laugh and start heading home, it was silent and the air was tense "What did you do with the gift?" He chuckles and pulls out a small box "Well I got her a necklace but..she dumped me before I even spoke" I smile "Let me see it" we stop and he opens it, as he pulls out a beautiful heart shaped crystal "Wow it's so beautiful.."

he gave me a look and I shot him one back "You know what, turn around Star" I was slightly scared and confused "Why?" He laughs "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" "Yeah that's the first thing I think about when you say something like that" he chuckles and puts the necklace on me and I smile "I'm not gonna let it go to waste, so a free gift to my best friend"

I smirked and hugged him "Thanks Marco" he blushed and we kept walking home..as we got there we stopped at the front door and it felt like this whole time we were thinking and trying to say it but we couldn't

"I gotta tell you something, oh you first, no you..uh" we both say in unison and we giggle "You first Marco" he nods "Well..I wanted to say everytime I was with Jackie my mind went back to you, I didn't want to admit it but I kinda fell for you Star, like I think about you when I go to bed and when I wake up every morning"

I blush and hold my chest "I know I just got dumped and all but, I knew you were the one for me not her" he held my hand "I know I sound dumb for saying this but I think I love you" my jaw dropped at this and he smiles and I focus back but I could...

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I blush and hold my chest "I know I just got dumped and all but, I knew you were the one for me not her" he held my hand "I know I sound dumb for saying this but I think I love you" my jaw dropped at this and he smiles and I focus back but I couldn't help but smile "Marco, I've been waiting for you to say that for so long"

he pulls me into a hug and spins us making us laugh, as he slowly puts me down our eyes connect and it felt like time froze "No worries right?" I get on my tippy toes and boop his nose causing him to chuckle and he kiss me afterwards "I'm glad you chose me" I say and he nods "Me too"

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