Magicians Au 5

696 40 5

Title: Risks

Info: Months pass by and yet star has yet to share more secrets with Marco..does she not trust him? Marco goes and find her guide or trainer and he finds out what else he knows

Word count: 1133
Song: Something like this-Chainsmokers ft Coldplay

Marco pov
It's been a few months since then and star actually started to trust me well more or less. I asked her if I can come over but she just shoved me across the training room as her she glared at me. I assume she doesn't really want me to be at her house "So, getting food after school?"

I asked as I stood by her "Again? Seems you like having in your company or you just want to irrate me?" She said giving me her grin "Yes again, why do you always ask knowing you'll say yes after I explained everything to you?"

She giggles and I smile at her, I love when she's comfortable with me "Because I like when you get worked up over it" she poked my chest and walked out before me "Is that your way of flirting with me?" "As if..don't get me wrong I just don't see us a thing?" I shake my head

"Am I ugly? Is that why? Or I ask too many questions or..your afraid of liking someone?" She stopped in her tracks as she slowly glared at me "Your not ugly, your slightly adorable..and Yes you ask way too many personal questions...and I thought you had a thing for the vice president"

she said a little quieter "Oh..her well we only went on one date, but we didn't really click..she talks too much and she's a little touchy" she giggles as she pushed me slightly "Hope your not calling for me Diaz"

she said as I stood for a bit as she kept walking. As she I just looked at her small frame, the way she walked and the way she looked at me sent shivers through me. "Hey? You okay? Just staring at me?" I shook my head quickly and caught up with her

"Yeah had a moment" she gave me an odd look but shrugged "Weirdo, now let's get some food" I chuckled as we walked out the front entrance as we did she kept humming a sweet tune as we arrived "Hey, do you have a crush on anyone?"

She scuffs as she rolled her eyes "Stop asking me personal questions" "You know a lot about me..I'm not gonna tell anyone?" She huffs as we took our seat in a booth "Fine I have a crush on a boy at school"

she held a smirk and I rolled my eyes a little annoyed "Obviously..but who I want the details" she shakes her head "Yeah no, I rather not because I'm pretty sure he won't like me back.. I push everyone away, I'm way too serious and besides my parents don't want me to date anyone right now.."

she manages as she held herself "Oh come on, they don't know what their missing..your really fun and funny..if I was the guy I would totally date you. Not literally just saying.." she gives me a playful look "Your unbelievable..why are we friends again?"

"No don't start pointing fingers at me, you said you wanted us to be friends before we depart.." she sighs and smiles "I did say that didn't I?" I nod "Hey, I hope you do great things in the future.." she gasps and stays silent "Did I say something I wasn't supposed to say?" She shook her head as our food came towards us.

After eating I walked her like always and we said our goodbyes and I carried on. As she closed her door I quickly headed towards the place where she used to train at, Janna gave me the directions after I got her close enough to Tom.

As i get there I heard a explosion and I quickly hid behind a pillar. As i peek I see a older man training students, the one that stood out the most was Tom, he was ripped and he looked beaten up "Try harder" the man said

"I'm giving the best I got! You make me so mad old man!" The older man laughs as he moved closer to him and shut him down, like a robot but he just squeezed his shoulder and put him to sleep "Everything you throw at me is just pure darkness, this will never bring Star back to you..or even make you the man you want to be"

he snapped his fingers and Tom woke up "Sorry" he says and leaves without noticing me as he took off in super speed I slowly entered "A visitor, welcome young one..what do you seek?" I clear my throat before I came closer

"I seek answers on the Butterflys" his expression was calm and a uneasy smile was plastered "Why would you want that? See you already know some knowledge in them" I sigh "I want the reason why she's so powerful"

he chuckles as he looks at me "Which she? Their are multiple who are powerful" I groan annoyed by his little banter "Star Adeline Butterfly..I need answers" he walked closer to me and held a wide grin "Why?" Why? Because she's so quiet and doesn't let her guard down that's why?

"She pushes me away? I want to know who she truly is, why does she posses dark magic when her mother doesn't? Why she doesn't stay out later then 11 at night?" The older man raised his hand to shut me up and I stepped back

"You ask so many questions when you know some knowledge of them" I groan "Please help me, I want to learn" he walks around me lauging scaring me a bit "Marco Ubaldo Diaz, part of the blind dragons, have powerful with and without your device, and have the power to turn into a red dragon.."

I gasp a bit, no one knows I could do that except my parents "How do you know that? I never told you my name, or what clan I am in or even my power" he stops in front of me and holds my shoulders "I'm glossaryck, I see all and know all. If you seek more knowledge then you must train here in the weekends to learn more about them"

he held he hand out and I hesitated a bit, I am already training at school and at my uncle's dojo "If I don't?" "Then I won't spill the secrets on the one you care about" I groan and took his hand "I hope I'm not risking my life" "Your not, trust me"

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