Jealous Alpha

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Hello everyone, so I got a request which is rare because nobody really requests me anything, so my buddies from tumblr I give this to her, I hope it sounds okay but I am terrible writing request from people..Also it's part 100! Wow didn't know I could make it to that many? Crazy but anyway let's continue..

Story: Marco and Star go on a movie premiere, Marco is an alpha and Star an omega, when her smells intense it attracts more alphas causing Marco to go into rage mode.. They are in their 20s.. Might have a little fluff not sure

Star Pov
I was excited for the premiere of the New alien movie, me and Marco have be preparing to go for months and we finally made it, but the thing that scares me the most is that it happened to be the week I go into heat, which isn't good because my scent can attract other alphas even though I'm Marcos girlfriend, he hasn't marked me yet, he told me it has to be perfect and I understood but I was on edge about it "Come on Star"

I didn't realize how far I was from Marco, I caught up and inhale his sweet scent of caramel, it always put me to ease, as I felt his arm snake around my waist I felt better, as we entered the theater I had eyes look at me and I was holding tighter to Marco which confused him "What's wrong?" As I look back the stares were gone "Nothing, I'm fine"

Marco gave me a look but shrugged it off, Marco had been working out and actually gained a couple muscles and is very fit, as an alpha should..and I've seen him get mad when an alpha tried to take me from his grasp, in a instant Marco knocked the guy out and we went on our way, he's very overprotective of me whenever it comes to that, I'm not marked so other alpha can get me and make me theirs when in reality I don't

"Come on Star, your so out of it, is something wrong?" I shake my head "No, I'm fine just excited to see the movie!" I say trying to look calm, he chuckles and kisses me "Alright, just making sure" I nodded and we took our seats, as the movie began I felt something going down my legs "Marco, I'll be back" he nods and I quickly run towards the bathroom, and go into a stall, I checked and had clear liquid and my worst fear came,

I was going into heat and my scent is going to attract other Alphas, I quickly checked my surroundings before running back to Marco, as I entered I felt a hand pull me "Well, you smell very delicious, like vanilla cupcakes to be exact.." I felt his nasty warm breath against my ear as I tried to escape from his grip, I stomped on his foot and ran but to be caught by another, this time his eyes glowing red filled with lust

"Hello, what do have here? Such a pretty Omega you are" he pinned me against the wall and I tried to scream but he held my face, he started kissing down my neck making me feel disgusted "Step. Away. Now!" I heard a deep voice and a growl followed as the alpha turned he smirked "Why should I? I was here first buddy"

I looked at Marco who looked completely outraged and he stepped closer pulling the guy away from us, I fell to the ground in tears, as I watched Marco beat him, I struggled crawling towards him to stop and he did, he had blood on his knuckles and he picked me up "Let's go" I snuggled into his chest as we made it home, he lay me down on our bed and he left to clean up,

I was fidgeting on the bed, smelling his scent making me feel warm as he came out he was shirtless which made me blush even more "It's your heat isn't it?" I nodded, he came over my bed and kissed down my cheek and inhaling my strong scent "Anyone can go crazy for your scent" I nodded and bit my bottom lip, wanting him to just kiss me and more but he was teasing me "Marco..please just..just do it.."

I say pleading him as my hands traced his toned abs towards his belt buckle, he moved my hands away it and I whimpered "No, not yet~" he said softly sending chills down my spine "Marco~" he took his sweet time, by the end of it he slowly kissed my neck but I realized what he was doing "How bad do you want me to mark you~" I blushed

"Really..bad" he smirked and bit my neck and slowly kissed it "Your mine" I smiled, he is my mate for life..I couldn't be any more happier then I am now.. "Thank you.." after that he covered us and I cuddled into him for warm, now I truly belonged to him..

A/n so hoped you liked it and I tried, not really used to making Wolf type stuff, just not me as you can tell..but tell me your thoughts and stuff and as always stay awesome (*^o^*)

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