Memory Lane

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A/n Hello everyone I'm slowly coming back still recovering and all that jazz anyways I got inspired by my favorite movie and the photos I see in tumblr so the pictures aren't mine I give credit to their creators anyways hope you enjoy

Info: Marco takes star to his great-grandmas house and listen to all the stories she had and how it was back in the day, as the stories come to an end star is intrigued to go back and experience it just like his great-grandmother did..will things go wrong like always or will it be okay? (Feels in this..)

Word count: 2459
Song: Never forget you..

Marco pov
I decided to visit my great-grandmother Lucile Martinez, she's the only one living out of the greats, I'm so surprised she lived this long knowing her kids are older as well and have kids and grandkids of their own "So, is she wise like old people are?" I chuckled a bit as I held the small basket of fresh bread

"Um, depends what you ask her, tell you right now, her memory is kinda weary" star nods and we arrive at the nursing home "Hello you two, are you here to see Lucy?" I nodded and the nurse pointed down the hall and saw the door with her name in it "Who's there? Mark is that you?"

I smiled and entered "No, one of your great grandsons Marco Diaz, Amanda's grandson?" She looked at me and pills my face and looks at me "You look so much like Antonio..Oh how I miss him, I assume your not alone?"

I look behind and see Star a little uneasy and I held out my hand and she took slowly "This is my best friend, Star" "Hello, nice to meet you" Lucille looked at her and thought she saw a ghost, she pointed at a drawer and star went and opened it and pulled a photo album and we sat beside her "You dear, remind me of myself when I was around your age"

I was little confused until she opened a page in the album and see her with My great grandfather Antonio "Wow, you look so pretty, you had blonde hair?" I took a look at the photo a nd star, the resemblance was on point minus the hearts on her cheeks

I was little confused until she opened a page in the album and see her with My great grandfather Antonio "Wow, you look so pretty, you had blonde hair?" I took a look at the photo a nd star, the resemblance was on point minus the hearts on her che...

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"I did, that's why I say Marco took after Antonio..he was so caring and smart and his chocolate brown eyes I used to melt like a skillet" she held on the photo and I looked at her "Well, tell us how you guys met?" She smiles and looks at us "You wanna hear me talk about my love?"

"Yeah! I would love to hear it" star looked so excited and I sigh a bit "Star, I don't think she'll be able to talk for long" "Nonsense Marco, just give my cup of water and my pills for my blood pressure" I got up and brought her meds and water and we settled in and watched her think where it all happened..

*Flash back ( Star as Lucy and Marco as Antonio) just picture it

Lucy pov
'I was walking towards the most popular place in town for teens, just turned 15 and looking for some fun, the songs making you want to do a little dance, I would always meet up with my girls Jess, Lila, and Lisa, I was the only the one in the group that wouldn't do anything reckless well until I met him..'

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