I choose..

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Hello guys a one shot for you, I got some spare time and wrote you guys one, also I'm so close to hitting 400 followers and I started with 80 from the beginning of the year 😄 it's amazing anyways back to the one shot...

'Star, who do you choose?'

Star Pov
I woke up on my queen sized bed and sulk, I'll be leaving in a couple hours and I have no way on telling Marco how I feel, he knows that I'll be leaving soon and won't return back not even for the fun of it "Hey Star I was wondering..want to go an amusement park for your last few hours?" Marco popped in and I smiled a bit

"Sure let me get dressed and I'll meet you outside" he nods and leaves and I begin to cry a bit 'Cheer up princess, you knew this day was coming your stay here has exceeded' I wipe my face and get ready, as I put my hair in a side braid and complete my look with my devil horns "Ready?" As Marco held out his arm causing me to giggle a bit

"Sure wild man" as we got there Marco purchased tickets and I looked at all the people around, they looked happy..I wish I was that happy "What do you want to do first?" Marco said putting his arm around me causing me to blush a bit "The ring toss, I want that alien" as we got there Marco paid the guy for 3 shots, as I threw all my shots I missed

'Sorry you didn't win' I pout and looked at Marco "Marco can you please get me the alien" I said begging him "Fine anything for you" he got the rings and tossed them and made every single one 'A gift for the lady' the older man said and he gave it to me

"Here Star" I hugged the stuff toy and smiled at Marco "Thanks, hey what's that?" I said point at a ride that was spinning "Oh the swings, I can't really go on that cause of motion sickness, but you could go on if you like" I shook my head "No, I want to do a ride with you" he blushed and pulled my hand to one "Haunted house?" He nodded

"Yeah you just sit in the seat and be spooked, but sometimes it's a little creepy" I thought about it and nodded "Sure.." we get on the ride and I immediately interlock my hand with Marcos, I was a little scared by the loud noises "Ahh!" I shut my eyes and blurry my face in his shoulder "Is it over?" I asked and he chuckles "Yeah.." I open my eyes and see the outside again "Finally! Never going on that ride again"

he laughs and I laugh too as we continue walking I slowly started interlocking my hand with Marco's "What's that one?" Pointing at a big circle ride "The Ferris wheel, want to go on?" I nodded and we got seated and looked at everything that was becoming smaller "Wow everyone looks like tiny little ants" I say leaning over a bit "Star don't lean, you could make us fall"

I nodded and sat down and the ride stopped at the top "Why have we stopped? Wow look at that Marco isn't it pretty?" I say smiling and I saw a tear fall from his eyes "Marco?" He took my hand into his and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles and I blushed "Star, I know we ran out of time and all but I wanted to say this because I'll feel better knowing I've told you"

I looked at him and my heart was racing "What is it Marco?" I say barely "Star, I love you..I've always had since the day we became friends all those years ago, I was so afraid of telling you because, you wouldn't feel the same and it didn't matter because you couldn't love me and be mines after that" I didn't realize a tear fell and held his face in my hand

"Marco, I love you too, I just didn't want to get attached to you because it would make my decision harder then already is, I care so much about you that you would literally stand in front of a bullet for me, even if I didn't want your help, Marco your amazing and awesome and kind and brave, I just wish we could've had done something to be together"

as the ride started to move again we made it at the bottom and exit it and sat on a bench holding our hands "I'm sorry" he says and I giggle a bit "You don't have to be.." I look at him and as we lean in I heard someone clear their throat and it was my mother

"Hey Mom, how's it going" I say trying to act fine "It's time to go dear" I sigh and stand up along with Marco who's a lot taller than me "Mom gives us a little time" she nods and leaves with royal guards and I'm immediately attacked with an embrace and I held back while I cried on his shoulder, I could feel Marco shaking while he held me

"I'm going to miss you Star Butterfly" I grabbed on his hoodie and broke down even more "I'm going to miss you, Marco Diaz" we chuckled a bit but we had tears still in our eyes, as we walked out of the park I saw the carriage waiting for me and I looked up at Marco

"Your kingdom awaits, your highness" Marco said as he bowed "Knock it off Marco, this makes me want to stay here with you" he shrugs and wipes his eyes "Trying to lighten up the mood, goodbye Star" I hugged him one last time and kissed his cheek

"Bye Wild man, stay strong for us" he nods and I walk towards the carriage as I made it to the middle I stop and look back at Marco who's smiling a bit and at mother who looks impatient "Star? Come on dear" I hear my mother and I looked down at my alien toy and at Marco again 'Star, who do you choose?' I heard a voice in my head and I started running back to Marco and I kissed him causing us to fall to the ground

"Star? What are you doing?" I laugh "I choose you" he smiled and held on me and kissed me again "Star It's against the rules of being Queen" I stood up with Marco "Mom, I'm older now, and I get to rule mewni my way, and in my way I want to be with Marco in mewni for the rest of my life"

Marco grabbed my hand and mother looked uneasy "Fine, he can come but no touching or kissing that's not how a queen acts" we both nodded and followed behind but I quickly pulled Marcos face for a long kiss "I love you" I say and smiles "I love you Star" I giggled and entered the carriage with the guy I love...

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