Splitting Marco..Oops

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Star Pov
I lay on my floor looking through my spell book, I have to get a hold of my spells "Uh I'm never gonna be good, why is this hard?" As skim through Marco enters "Hey Star what you up too?" I smiled and looked up at him "Learning new spells, it's hard trying to control them..want to keep me company?" He nods and sits by me "where's the troll? Wasn't he gonna help you with this stuff?" I shrug "He said he had to meet someone so I'm on my own..oh look Marco it's a spell for splitting things up!"

Marco nods and looks uneasy "how can you read that? I barely know what it is" I laugh and grab my wand 'Zip..bit..split...a Doo' my wand shot out "Take cover!" I ran under my bed and hid until I heard a groan "Marco!" I rush and see a fog, in the middle of the room "Marco? Are you okay?" As the fog leaves I gasp "Oh no.." there was 6 Marco but wearing different color hoodies

'Sup doll face, I like what I see' I glare and move his hand away from me "You must be Marcos bad boy persona, good thing Marco isn't like you" he smirks and sits on my bed 'Star I love that dress looks so cute' I smile I think it's Marcos sensitive side, as I move someone grabs my hand and pulls me into him and I blush and look up 'Hey..how are you beautiful? May I say you have lovely eyes' I giggle and move away, Marcos loving side, as I look I see a Marco dressed in a pink dress 'Hey does this dress make me look fat?' I shake my head "No..you look great" I walk by and feel an unwanted presence 'Star this is bad what are we going to do! I knew I shouldn't have stayed, ugh I'm stupid..ahh what was that?!' His anxiety side as I back up I turn and see a very serious Marco and he has like a gash on his face "Hello..." he nods 'hi Star' I move and look at all the Marco's

"This is bad very bad! I'm a bad person and friend" as I sat down princess Marco came near me 'Hey your not a bad friend, I think your great girl, I know you get us back into the Marco you love, right guys?' The others nodded except bad boy Marco 'as if I want to be back with you freaks, except you self control, your awesome' I glare at him "You have no choice, you are going back to be my Marco that I care about" he smirks and dash by everyone leaving with self control "No! Come back" 'So rude..we can help' 'Anything to make you happy beautiful' he kissed my hand and I moved away and blushed "Thanks..can at least you guys find where the other two went?"

Sensitive and princess Marco left while anxiety and loving stay with me 'Star you know what your doing right?! Ahh do you hear that?!' I looked at him and back to the book "You know you should chill on my bed and cool off okay I got this" he nods and twitches as he gets on my bed "poor guy" as I turn back loving was close to my face "hello..what are you doing so close to my face" I move back and my heart starts to race 'i really admire you, you always seemed interesting since you came in my life..' I smile "Thanks..Marco?"

As I look at the reverse spell loving kept looking at me and it kept me distracted "Okay..I can't focus why do you keep looking at me?" He chuckles and moves closer to me 'I know wouldn't say this to you but he's not here, but Marco likes you so much but he's always doubting himself so he doesn't say it..I wanted to tell you but he chose not too..' I blushed and hold my wand "Are you messing with me? Or your being serious" he chuckles 'why would I lie if part of Marco doesn't he tell the truth?' I stood up quickly "Okay! I gotta get some air..excuse me"

I run towards my bathroom and wash my face, it was so obvious why couldn't I tell he likes..what am I going to do? No one knows where the other two are? I rush down to the others and sigh "alright guys let's go find the others and bring you guys together" they nodded and we headed downstairs "Star what happened to Marco? Why are there...more?" Mrs Diaz said looking at the two behind me "I gotta get them and say a spell, so I'll bring back your Marco so point to where the other Marcos left?" She pointed to the front door and we ran out and looked how destroyed the place kinda was "Oh man..they are tearing up the town, let's go guys" we run and try to look and we see sensitive and princess and we untie then "What happened?"

'Bb and self tied us, they headed towards the school, please tell me you have the spell?' I nodded slowly "I somewhat know?" 'Star!' I blush "I got distracted I am a girl" they looked at loving 'What? I was Uh..' they shake their heads and we run towards the school and we found them laying against the lockers "Give up!" They chuckled 'As if, I can finally be free why won't you let me? Those idiots are the reason why I never show up anymore, feelings are taking more over since you came along, you have no idea what you do to us..' I looked at him and the others who had their faces red

'Take a look doll, we all love you but we are way too scared to tell you, I admit I might be a kind bad boy but I hide it with his anger, him over there he's love, this guy is brave, over there he's caring and kind, him well he just likes wearing dresses, we are all part of Marco, no matter what part we still have a soft spot for you doll' I blush and look at all the Marco's who looked embarrassed or confused "But that's the thing..I love every part of Marco that's what makes him my best friend, I like each and one of you and in Marco the one I like, so please combine with everyone else"
They nodded and stood in a line and I said the words again and the fog came back and my Marco was standing there

I love every part of Marco that's what makes him my best friend, I like each and one of you and in Marco the one I like, so please combine with everyone else"They nodded and stood in a line and I said the words again and the fog came back and my M...

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"Marco! I'm glad your back!" He chuckles and hugs back "yeah, it was weird being separated like I was in every single one, and Star..I hope your feelings towards me hasn't changed?" I smile and shake my head "Never, it took me awhile for your sides to tell me about your crush on me but I still like you Marco" he blushed and I kissed him quick "Wow..so which side of me you didn't like so much?" I thought about it "Probably your bad boy side but he kinda was cute the way he acted in an annoying way," we laugh and headed home "Next time when your practicing a spell I'll leave okay Star?" I nodded "Oh yeah I swear" Marco held my hand as we walked home and smiled and lay my head on his arm, thanks Marco's

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